Methuselah lived for 969 years.

Enoch lived for 365 years

Abraham lived for 175 years.

Aaron lived for 123 years.

Moses lived for 120 years.

David lived for 70 years.

The average life span of a Nigerian is 51 years: But, happily, civil war has not been declared.

Singular Or Plural?

“Anybody”, like “anyone, everybody, everyone, nobody, no-one, somebody, and someone”, is singular and should use a singular verb, and should therefore be referred to by a singular pronoun or possessive adjective. E.g. Has anyone a Bible or a Koran he can lend me? NOT has anyone a Bible or a Koran they can lend me? Anyone who does that is risking his (or her) life. NOT anyone who does that is risking their life.

“Nobody” is singular. It takes a singular verb. E.g. “Nobody is (or was) allowed” and is referred to by the singular personal pronoun and possessive adjective (e.g. he, his). Nobody likes his friends to take advantage of him (NOT “their friends to take advantage of them”).

And his vice or and his vice president ?

“Presidency: Osinbajo is executing Buhari’s Policies”, with the rider: Opposition trying to cause division between the President and his “vice” (Vice President or his deputy). – THE NATION HARD BALL COLUMN, March 1, 2017. Note on usage: The President and his vice” is English manufactured in Nigeria.

Last week Tuesday or last Tuesday?

According to a Press Release made available by one of the late Prince Kokumo  Olutayese’s children, Mr. MC Don Destiny, the “wake keep” (wake), was held “last week Tuesday” (last Tuesday/on Tuesday, last week (Briticism) or last Tuesday week (Germanism – “Dienstag Voriger Woche”) while his body “had been” (was) committed to mother earth the following day, Friday, January 20, 2017 at his country home in Owena – Ayetoro, Ondo State.

Last week Saturday or last Saturday?

The Chief Judge’s – Olaseinde Kumuyi’s – retirement programme which started on Saturday the 14th January with “Health Walk” came to a climax “last week Saturday” (last Saturday” (last Saturday/on Saturday last week (Briticism) or last Saturday week (Germanism – “Samstag Voriger Woche”) the 21st January, 2017 with “Holy Communion Service which was held at the chapel of the Annunciation, Archbishop Vining College of Theology, Akure in the early hours of the day with a “Book Launch and Birthday Party” at the DOME Event Centre, also in Akure, the Ondo State Capital.

Saturday, last week was a day which will never be forgotten in a hurry as members of Ile – Oluji National Union, Akure Branch, “hosted” (played host to) members and invited guests to an annual get-together in an event that was held at the popular WOTTSS Garden, Alagbaka, Akure, the Ondo State Capital.

Resulted to or resulted in?

The year 2016 witnessed one of the most arduous years economically for the nation which resulted “to” (in) workers not being paid several months of salaries and prices of goods and services sky-rocketed such that the average family could hardly feed conveniently.

At the occasion or on the occasion?

Builder Olu Olowoshile, “at” (on) the occasion, solicited for maximum cooperation with the Jegun of Ile – Oluji and pleaded with those still aggrieved among Jimoko ruling house to “reconsider” (retrace) their steps and “shield” (sheathe) their sword.

Sir (Chief) Dr. Moses Oluremi Adewakun had earlier “hosted” (played host to) all Ile – Oluji National Union (INU) branch members to a party on 24th December, 2016 in his Ile – Oluji residence.

Chief Tanimowo Akinloye, the Lisa – Jigan of Ile – Oluji was the chairman “at” (on) the occasion.

Last week Tuesday or last Tuesday?

According to family sources, the woman died at the early hours of “last week Tuesday” (last Tuesday/On Tuesday, last week or last Tuesday week) and her remains had been taken to the mortuary.

Late Olateru – Olagbegi or The late Olateru?

I first read the demise of the former Chief Judge of Ondo State, “late” (the late) Gladys Olateru – Olagbegi in your tabloid.

A write – up or an article?

Related News

Your HEALTH page was read and was very educative but how many families can now plan a healthy diet and stick to it in Nigeria of today with the current economic recession that is biting hard on every home in Nigeria; gone are the days of such “a write-up” (an article or a review).

I believe it is only the current president, Muhammadu Buhari that can purge corruption out of our “judiciary” (judicial) system and I want to commend your “Human Rights” columnist for the well articulated “write-up” (article/newspaper review/commentary).

Just like or just as what?

I want to agree with your columnist, “Prayer Class” that, indeed, there is time for every thing under the sun; a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to give birth and a time to die, just “like” (as) what the scripture had said.

Bustle of activities or bustle of activity?

The ancient town of Atosin – Idanre in Idanre Local Government Area of Ondo State was agog and a bustle of ceremonial “activities” (activity) recently when High Chief Felix Akinya was installed the Sasere of Atosiland by Oba Gilbert Ogunlowo, the Awosunye of Atosiland.

The potentials or the potential?

High Chief Felix Akinya was of the opinion that the Nigerian nation has the “potentials” (potential or potentialities) for greatness if only we can make our laws work as it is being done in America, where, the law works because the people make it work.

To rub minds or to meet minds?

The Royal father, Oba (Dr.) Fredrick Aroloye, who had been on the throne of his ancestors for over four decades, expressed his unhappiness about the practice when he was chatting with officials of the Ondo State Tourism Board led by Mr. Apuwabi Lawrence who is the Manager of Oke Idanre Tourist Centre and his Tourism officer, Mr. T.O. Olagundoye when they visited his Odode Idanre Palace to “rub” (meet) minds on how to make the Tourist Centre more attractive.

Congratulated Akeredolu for or on his success?

Ifesowapo Motorcycle Mechanic Association has congratulated the newly elected Governor of Ondo State, Barrister Rotimi Odunayo Akeredolu, “for” (on) his success in the Ondo State governorship election, which he won on 26th November, last year.

I make friend or I make friends of people?

I make “friend” (friends) of people from various callings and diverse socio-economic backgrounds. So, in “other” (order) not to fumble or to be caught napping, you need to be versed. And “these” (this) has taken me to know many people.

Quran or Koran?

One of my friends is a highly versed Islamic Scholar who knows much about the “Quran” (Koran/the Holy Koran). Many times, I discovered that some of the “Quranic” (Koranic) injunction are in tandem with the Bible (Holy Bible).

In order words or In other words?

In “order” (other) words, as a man in my town when I was still a kid nicknamed himself “Death is the ultimate end of all things”.

All cost or at all costs?

Besides that, we all know that the morbid desire to make money at all “cost” (costs) had driven us many years back into the early man’s age of cannibalism.

The pastors and their numerous dogmatic followers of mammon and the Creator don’t remember the day when they will keep lying on their sides and never will “be opportune” (have the opportunity) to turn it round again.

“Same” (The Same) goes for our various Mallams and Sheikhs “busy” (who are busy) capitalizing on the gullibility of their teeming unemployed and illiterate followers to turn.

Saying the truth or telling the truth?

This same friend of mind, the Islamic Cleric known for his forthrightness and bluntness when it comes to “saying” (speaking or telling) the bitter truth, especially from the Islamic perspective, told me that, “everybody would regret when we get to heaven”.

Traveler or traveller?

The grave, which will not spare you and I, is waiting for “the unelected Nigerian Leader of opposition” and the cantankerous governor “panapan” (fire brigade officer) of our neigbouring state and his fellow “traveler” (traveller), who despite owing eight months of workers’ salaries and other entitlements, still went on air to beam to the whole world that he was not owing a kobo to anyone.

Yes, all these who are busy “strafing” (starving) the poor retirees to death through hunger and denial of their entitlements or benefits will one day meet the creator where no powerful Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) will be able to buy judgment or dilly dally the judge into submission. May be if Oshiomole had “remember” (remembered) his appointment with the grave, he would not have told the poor widow hawking for livelihood to “go and die”. – Newslinage, 23rd January – 5th February, 2017.

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