From Emmanuel Adeyemi Lokoja

Ahead of November 11th governorship election in Kogi State, the candidate of the Action Alliance, Olayinka Braimoh, has said if elected he would revive the ailing local government system in the state

The governorship candidate has stated his commitment to empower women,youths and to move the people of Kogi State out of poverty to prosperity.

Addressing the large crowd of Action Alliance AA supporters in Ankpa on Monday, Braimoh assured the people that his primary assignment is to end poverty if elected as governor of the state.

He stated that AA administration will end poverty and hunger in the State, stressing the people of the State have suffered enough and there is need to the narratives now.

“I want to call on the electorate to vote our Action Alliance to put an end to the suffering .You must ensure you vote AA candidate Olayinka Braimoh and running mate , Tijani Imam on 11th November , 2023.

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“I will pay full salary to workers .The ailing Local government system in the would revived to return democracy to the grass roots

“AA administration will create jobs for the youths, empower women to be self relaince.We must join hands to end era of poverty in the state,” he posited.

While addressing the stakeholders earlier at a town hall meeting at Women Centre, Ankpa where he met with women and religious leaders Braimoh stated that when he assumed office by God grace the people of Kogi State will not suffer again.

The Iye Oja of Ankpa, Hajiya Jumai Musa told the AA Candidate that the women in Ankpa Local government are politically conscious and hence ready to mobilize for the Party before November 11 governorship election in Kogi State

Hajia Musa noted that women , particularly widows are suffering ,and therefore call on the gubernatorial candidate to help women through empowerment under the present excruciating economic environment.

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