Agaju Madugba, Katsina

Katsina State Governor, Alhaji Aminu Bello Masari, has described the myriad of security and socio-economic challenges plaguing the country as normal but transient for a developing country like Nigeria.

He said some countries of the world, known as developed economies, also had similar and even worse challenges before getting to their current stages of development.

Masari spoke at the Government House, Katsina when a group, Citizens Rights and Leadership Awareness Initiative,  presented him  with the ‘’Living Hero Award,’’ at the weekend.

The award  was in recognition of the governor’s, “inspiring leadership qualities and advancement of quality education,” in Katsina State, among other achievements.

“We are here for service delivery and whatever we do in the course of this assignment is what we are supposed to do. At this point in Nigeria, leadership is not easy because of the myraid of challenges of insecurity, lack of resources, conflicting interests and politics.

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“They are challenges which every nation goes through as part of the processes of nation-building.

‘‘If you go through history and look at what some other nations went through before they arrived at what they are today, you realise that they went through similar or even worse situations than we are currently going through.

“I believe that if Nigerians work together, we will come out of the present challenges.

“Nation-building is not about eight or four years, it is an endless journey but we hope that within the period and the time given to us by our creator, we will do the best we can to improve the quality of lives of our people. Your recognition will spur us to do more as we move from 2019 to 2023 and beyond.”

Presenting the award to the governor, the group’s coordinator, Oladipo Musibau, noted that Masari had since 2015 continued to dispense the dividends of democracy to the people of Katsina State. “This he  has done so in a manner that has tended to inspire others.

Musibau said ‘‘the award is meant  to motivate Nigerian icons who should be celebrated while alive instead of placing beautiful epitaphs on their tombs in death, ”he stated.

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