From Layi Olanrewaju, Ilorin

Labour party presidential candidate Mr Peter Obi has vowed to unite Nigeria if elected as president in the upcoming presidential polls.

The former Anambra State governor made the declaration Monday at a campaign stop in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital

Mr Obi was accompanied to the rally by his running mate, Datti Baba Ahmed, along with their wives. He also promised to make Kwara State an agricultural hub for industrialisation and exportation in the country.

The LP standard bearer who got to the metropolitan square venue of the rally at about 4 pm said that: “What we are doing here is a new politics. We want to build a new Nigeria. We don’t want to build a new Nigeria where we divide ourselves, but a Nigeria where we unite
ourselves. A new Nigeria is possible, that is what Datti and I want to do.

“In the past 10 years, Nigeria has been producing insecurity, poverty. Today we have more people living in poverty than in any other country of the world. Unemployment, misery, fuel scarcity. Everywhere you go is

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“A new Nigeria we want to build is a Nigeria where we will start securing Nigeria. Nigerians should be able to move around in Nigeria and feel security. We want to provide a united Nigeria where there will be law and order; where everybody will be proud to say I am a Nigerian. We want to move Nigeria from consumption to production.

“Kwara State is one of those places we will invest in agriculture to be able to use that for industrialisation and exportation. That will bring down inflation and Nigerian currency will be worth something. With that food will be available to over people; with that we will create jobs and do export and bring down the rate of exchange. It will be a win-win situation.

“We want a Nigeria where there will not be strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU); four years will four years. That is what we want. It will no longer happen here and those who come out of the universities will find jobs. They will be doing something. We will support them.

“Today they don’t care about the youths, we want a Nigeria that cares about the youths. We have cared about them. They are the only ones who benefit in Nigeria. That is why all the money they borrowed we cannot find it. It has been swallowed by goats and snakes. We don’t want a Nigeria where snakes swallow money. That is the Nigeria we want to build.

“This year’s election they will come to you to vote for them. They will give you money. Collect their money and vote for us.”

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