The strength and supply of electricity to an economy can directly measure the seriousness of that economy and its prospects for growth.

Nigeria`s struggle as a country are both multi-sectorial and multifactorial. Wherever one turns, it seems there is something wrong, something broken off from a system which should otherwise work perfectly and churn out desired results.

This state of affairs has been a source of deathly frustration for Nigerians as it is a veritable case of a better view but less seen. There are problems quite alright, but they defy understanding and solution. Nigerian public officers cannot in most cases even bring themselves to acknowledge that there are problems.

One only needs to listen to some of the figures bandied about as having been consumed by the power sector and note the scandalous lack of tangible results to begin to appreciate the darkness that sweeps the country.  Since Nigeria fatefully retraced its steps to democratic avenues in 1999, billions of dollars have been swept down the power sector drain. In this time some of Nigeria`s best minds have been assigned the power portfolio and improvement of power supply has formed impressive chunks of many a presidential candidate`s manifesto. Yet in what can only be described as an outright mockery of a people`s sensibilities and well-being, power failure remains a constant companion of Nigerians.

The effects have been both sobering and debilitating. In the absence of adequate   power supply to fuel economic growth, economic stagnation has ensued and innumerable small businesses have been strangled out of existence. These are aside the many comforts denied the ordinary Nigerian by the near constant lack of power supply.

It begs the question as to why power supply in Nigeria remains in tatters, imperiling Nigeria`s economic growth and keeping the country in the backwaters of national development. However, that the chunk of the money supposedly invested in power over the years has disappeared without a trace is no surprise. Corruption remains both a lucrative and luxuriant venture and those who reinforce it are in no hurry to be put out of business.

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Also, some of the people who presided over the shocking decimation of   funds meant for power continue to walk free, unquestioned and without any impulsion to render accounts to the Nigerian people. Half-hearted enquiries were launched at intervals but because they were only meant to be smokescreens to deceive the Nigerian people, they predictably fizzled out without making any inroads. Anti-corruption agencies otherwise so eager to huff and puff and hound suspected   economic criminals have been surprisingly subdued .It may have something to do with the fact that some of those suspected to have kept Nigerians in darkness are among Nigeria`s most powerful.

Now, in an undisguised attempt to salt Nigerian wounds, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission has perfected plans to raise electricity tariffs to the rooftops.

It is sad that many Nigerian public service providers always leave no stone unturned in making it look like they are always all out to torment and extort Nigerians. The services they provide are mostly epileptic, yet at each opportunity, they make frantic attempts to raise tariffs thereby effectively deepening the holes of Nigeria`s economic insecurity. To make matters worse, the funds procured from the increased costs go to fund the avarice of the corrupt.

Nigeria remains in a darkness that is both inexplicable and unjustifiable.

Kene Obiezu


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