….Security Agencies Address Challenges and Receive Equipment Support

From Abel Leonard, Lafia

In a bid to bolster security efforts within the state, the Nasarawa Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), in partnership with the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), conducted a one-day interactive and sensitization forum for various security agencies.

Bar, ZZ Alumaga, the Executive Director, NASEMA while welcoming the security operatives yesterday in the one day security programme held at De- Crown Hotel,Lafia urged them to redouble their efforts in combating crimes within the state. He emphasized the importance of putting the equipment provided by NIMASA to effective use in facilitating their tasks.

The director also took the opportunity to highlight some of the challenges faced by security personnel, expressing optimism that these issues could be resolved through collective action.

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Representing the Director-General of NIMASA, Mr. Daniel Kajo, the Assistant Director of Special Duties, acknowledged the vital role played by security personnel in maintaining law and order. He noted that NIMASA, primarily responsible for maritime security, recognizes the inseparable link between land and maritime security.

“Thus, ensuring safety on land is essential for their effective maritime operations. To support this goal, NIMASA distributed various materials such as jackets, jackknives, handcuffs, and communication devices to aid security personnel in their duties.”

Mr. Kajo praised the Nasarawa State Government for organizing the event and commended the state for its reputation as one of the most peaceful in Nigeria. He emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts among various security outfits in achieving and sustaining this peace. Additionally, he pledged NIMASA’s commitment to addressing the challenges raised by security personnel.

During the roundtable discussion, representatives from various security agencies, including the Nigeria Police Force, Immigration, Customs, Correctional Services, NSCDC, DSS, NAYES, Vigilante, and the Fire Service, shared their logistical challenges. This candid exchange of ideas allowed for a better understanding of the issues faced by each agency and paved the way for potential solutions to improve overall security operations in Nasarawa State.

The Sun gathered that the one-day forum served as a platform for security agencies to reinforce their commitment to maintaining the peace and security of Nasarawa State. With the support of NIMASA and a collaborative spirit, they aim to address challenges and enhance their effectiveness in combating crime and ensuring the safety of residents.

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