From Abel Leonard, Lafia

In a resounding address at the North-Central Zonal NAFDAC Media Sensitization Workshop, the Director-General of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Prof. Mojisola Christianah Adeyeye, sounded a clarion call against the grave dangers of drug hawking and the hazardous ripening of fruits with calcium carbide.

Prof. Adeyeye ably represented by the Director, Chemical Evaluation and Research, Dr. Leonard Omokpariola on Monday at the conference hall of the Federal Secretariat, Lafia Nasarawa state capital highlighted the urgent need for regulatory actions against these practices, emphasizing the potential health risks they pose to Nigerian citizens.

She said NAFDAC had already taken decisive steps since 2019, including public sensitization through various media outlets and enforcement measures such as intelligence gathering and market raids that resulted in the seizure and destruction of harmful products.

The D-G emphasized NAFDAC’s commitment to collaborate with the Association of Health Journalists in Nigeria to mobilize and educate Nigerian journalists. Their role in eradicating drug hawking and the use of calcium carbide for fruit ripening is pivotal.

Prof. Adeyeye expressed concern over the illegal sale of bulk industrial food or ingredients in open markets, which poses contamination risks. NAFDAC is actively monitoring the utilization rate and capacity of end-users to prevent these non-retailed products from reaching consumers.

Regarding drug hawking, the D-G warned that it jeopardizes the healthcare system. “Many of these hawked medicines are counterfeit, substandard, or expired, endangering lives. Furthermore, drug hawkers often distribute narcotic medicines to criminal networks, posing a significant threat to national security.”

Similarly, Prof. Adeyeye emphasized the dangers of ripening fruits with calcium carbide. Such artificially ripened fruits may appear ripe on the outside but remain unripe inside. Consumption of these fruits can lead to severe health issues, including cancer, kidney problems, and neurological disorders.

“NAFDAC is actively conducting sensitization campaigns and enforcement activities to combat these health hazards. Additionally, the agency has commissioned scientific studies to determine the best approach to mitigate the risks associated with fruit ripening using calcium carbide.”

Prof. Adeyeye further urged the media to assist NAFDAC in disseminating knowledge acquired during the workshop to the general public. She thanked the participants for their collaboration and support in NAFDAC’s mission to ensure the safety of medicines, food, cosmetics, and other regulated products in Nigeria.

Ealier, in his welcome address, state coordinator NAFDAC, Nasarawa state Pharm. Omoyeni Babatunji expressed his delight at hosting the NAFDAC Media Sensitization Workshop on the dangers of drug hawking and the ripening of fruits with calcium carbide. He emphasized the significance of the workshop in addressing critical health concerns in Nigeria.

Pharm. Babatunji emphasized the importance of collaboration between NAFDAC and the media in disseminating crucial information to the public. He highlighted the role of the media in creating awareness and educating the Nigerian populace about the dangers of drug hawking and the improper ripening of fruits with calcium carbide.

The State Coordinator stressed the urgency of addressing these pressing issues that affect the health and well-being of Nigerians. He praised NAFDAC’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and quality of food, medicines, cosmetics, and other regulated products.

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Babatunji called upon all participants, guests, and media representatives to actively engage in the workshop’s discussions and to work together to combat the menace of drug hawking and unsafe fruit ripening practices in Nigeria.

Daily Sun Reports that the North Central Zonal NAFDAC Media Sensitization Workshop took a critical turn during its technical sessions with the first paper presentation delivered by the Dr. Leonard Omokpariola.

Dr. Omokpariola, a recognized authority in food safety and public health, took center stage to delve into the intricate topic of fruit ripening with calcium carbides. His presentation provided an in-depth exploration of the dangers associated with this widely used but hazardous practice.

During the presentation, Dr. Omokpariola highlighted that calcium carbides, when combined with water, generate acetylene gas, which mimics the natural ripening process of fruits by releasing ethylene. However, this shortcut to ripeness comes at a significant cost to human health.

The expert explained that fruits artificially ripened with calcium carbides may appear ripe on the outside while remaining unripe inside. “Such fruits can be identified by their uniform yellow color and a dark stem, especially prevalent in bananas and plantains.”

“Naturally ripened fruits tend to have brown or black spots, whereas artificially ripened ones may exhibit powdery residues.”

Dr. Omokpariola meticulously detailed the adverse effects of consuming artificially ripened fruits. These include:
Cancer Risk: Calcium carbide often contains impurities like arsenic and lead, which pose serious health hazards and may lead to cancer.

Consumption of fruits ripened with calcium carbide he said can harm the heart, kidneys, and liver, causing weakness, skin damage, and other complications.

“Higher exposure may result in fluid buildup in the lungs, difficulty in breathing, and other respiratory problems.”

“Calcium carbide is alkaline and can disrupt intestinal functions, causing discomfort, ulcers, and more.
Skin and Mouth Problems: Artificially ripened fruits can result in skin rashes, mouth ulcers, and sleeping disorders.
NAFDAC’s Commitment to Addressing the Issue”

Dr. Omokpariola concluded his presentation by commending NAFDAC for its efforts in sensitizing the public, emphasized the need for stricter control over the use of calcium carbides and the importance of public awareness in preventing health risks associated with this practice.

Daily Sun reports that stakeholders in the health sectors and other relevant agencies were present during the sensitization workshop.

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