Mrs Rosemary Oromoni, the mother of Sylvester Oromoni Jnr., the late 12-year-old student of Dowen College, Lagos, said her son had no health challenge before the complaints he made a few days before his death.

Rosemary said this while being cross-examined by counsel to Dowen College, Mr Anthony Kpokpo. She testified yesterday at a coroner’s inquest to unravel the circumstances that led to the student’s death on November 30, 2021.

The inquest is taking place at an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court. Rosemary wept profusely while testifying. The Coroner, Mr Mikhail Kadiri, had to stand down proceedings two times, to enable her to pull herself together.

A witness said she could not take the late student to hospital on the day he arrived home from school with complaints, a few days before his death. She said she could not take him to the hospital because the hospital was occupied.

“I could not take him to the hospital from Friday to Monday, but did so on Tuesday,” she said.

She further told the coroner that before her son died, she observed that his breathing changed. Okpokpo asked her whether she had seen the doctor’s report and whether she would be surprised to learn that the report stated that her late son’s bones were in good condition.

The witness replied in the negative. The family’s lead counsel, Mr Femi Falana (SAN), however,  objected to the defence counsel’s question as to whether the witness would be surprised at the doctor’s report.

“Mrs Oromoni did not author the report nor present it as evidence and should not be made to answer whether she is surprised or not at the doctor’s report,” he said.

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The counsel representing the school further asked whether she was the one in a video that surfaced on social media showing a woman holding and supporting the deceased to walk.

She replied: “I was aware of the video and it was shot in my house, but I never instructed anyone to make it. I was not the one assisting him in the video though I was aware of the video, but I can not remember who shot it. I do not know how many videos were shot in my house on that day.”

While being cross-examined by Mr Nosa Iyamo, counsel to one of the students alleged to have bullied the deceased, Rosemary, said the said video was made for the school.

Kadiri commiserated with the witness and her family on the death of the student, and admitted the statement she made at the police station in evidence. The coroner directed that all the counsel should file their final written addresses in two weeks’ time.

Kadiri adjourned the case until November 20 for adoption of the final written addresses. The coroner had, on September 3, invited the mother of the deceased to give evidence.

Sylvester Oromoni Jnr. reportedly died on November 30, 2021, at a private hospital in Warri, Delta, after alleged health complications at  Dowen College, Lagos.

The Oromoni family alleged that their son died from injuries he suffered as a result of bullying by five senior students of the college. They also claimed that he was not treated by the school in a hospital.