Coordinator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP), Prof. Charles Dokubo, said at the weekend that the death of his elder sister, Madam Amaro Roseline Dokubo, has caused him an eternal pain.

Describing his late sister as a mother and friend, Dokubo lamented, during her funeral ceremony at the weekend, in Abonnema, Akuku-Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State, that until her death, she stood by him through thick and thin.

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“Sister Ama, I know you are at peace where you are and there is no need for tears. I know how much tears I shed on the day of your death when I received the phone call that you had passed on. As I stood motionless in my office, consumed with grief, the tears kept rolling, giving me a feeling of emptiness of heart. I realised that a pain has come that will never go away and I must own that you have gone forever,” Dokubo said, in a tribute before her remains were interred.

While recalling her care and love for her siblings and family members, he said: “For me, your younger brother, you always shared in my joys, sorrows, laughter, tears and successes; an inspiration from my tender age to my adulthood, up to the time you departed. You are gone, but, there is a place, deep down in my heart, where God has placed a love for you. My beloved sister, you will remain there forever.”

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