By Christy Anyanwu

Venita Akpofure is a British-Nigerian actress and video vixen. Born in 1987, the mother of two gained prominence as a housemate in the fourth season of Big Brother Naija

She plays the lead role of Nengi in Africa Magic’s Unmarried.

Speaking with Sunday Sun, she she shed more light into her acting career, her personality and lots more. 


Tell us more  about you?

I am Venita Akpofure, fondly called ‘Iyadragon’ and ‘Miss Unstoppable’ by my tribe.

What ignited your passion to become an actor?

My love for the performing arts ignited it. But what pushed me over was that my mum had told me she didn’t think I had what it takes to be a singer or an artist. Obviously, I wasn’t judged based on my voice. So, modelling was a stepping stone. As time passed, I challenged that idea as I began building my brand. And you know, as Mandela said: “It always seems impossible until it’s done”. So, the more I learnt about my job and the intricacies of the delicate balance that is required to do it beautifully, the more I fell in love. And with each win I get, I am inspired to set a bigger goal.

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Tell us the movie you have featured in and which one brought you to limelight? 

I don’t think there’s one particular movie that brought me out. I have had different projects that did bring me out. I think I had a viral moment with an Otex music video. There was AY’s Crib. Then there was a litany of skits that went viral. There’s one with Chris Attoh. I have been pretty consistent since I rejoined after the birth of my second daughter. More like that baby push was a good luck push. And, of course, after BBN where I got named “Vessel of Creativity” because people got to see the different sides of my talents. Especially this last season. Unmarried too has made me a household staple because there are a whole lot of women that could resonate with it. Also, if you go to the cinemas, I have three of my movies showing presently. And one is topping the chart. Each of these aforementioned has contributed uniquely and collectively to the Venita you are seeing today.

You were in BBNaija, share with us your memorable experience in the House? 

I went into the house twice. Both times, I applied my true personality with my full chest. The bold, loyal and vulnerable Venita sums up who I am. My most memorable experiences are not the nicest ones because they are laced with enormous betrayal. However, the best part of the situation is that I learned about myself, developed my character and equipped myself with tools that I now own for the rest of my life. And for the record, I didn’t regret any of the experiences. If anything, it made me a super creative powerhouse that can walk through the valley of whatever.

How have you been handling fame as a celebrity, in terms of your lifestyle and daily activities?

When the purpose isn’t known, abuse is imminent, they say. I understand fame comes with putting yourself out there with the kind of work that I do. Lack of privacy is the tax you pay for being famous (laughs). Here’s the thing. When you first get into the industry for the first two years, maybe even three. It’s all fun, games and banter. However, having a widely known face makes you susceptible to more judgment. And on the other side, you also attract some unwanted energies as well. How I handled it depended on my age, where I was in my career and what the plot twist was at that moment. You know, a strategy is as good as the strategist. You are a reflection of your personal development. My ultimate goal is to leave a legacy that will live on after my death. You, for example, will have more to say about me in the coming years. So, suffice it to say there’s no right way to handle it. The fame part is nice though. But I would rather be recognised for putting in what’s required in my work than just being one of the pretty faces in the industry. I don’t wanna be just a ‘pretty Venita’ but a phenomenal Venita with many badges of honour for all the work I am doing right now. Let me say this, with fame, there’s leverage; because people know your work and ability. So, you need a little introduction. However, on the flip side, fame also comes with constraints.

What lessons have you learnt about life?

Just when you think you know it all, you don’t. Just when you trust our system or some climate, it doesn’t mean you should be reckless. I am mentally prepared for the worst and hopeful for the best. Because nothing in this life stays the same at all. Your ability to adapt and be flexible under all kinds of situations and duress is what will make you overcome the situation, however, simple or hard. The spirit of discernment is very crucial. Protect yourself, protect your energy, protect your vibe. No one knows one situation for certain. Everything can change as we finish this interview. If you are living in your full passion, you will benefit from the blessing or the lessons.

Would you like your children to take your path as an entertainer?

I had already known from the beginning that my children would pick some of my traits that would make them stars. With all modesty, they are already stars as I speak to you. And if any of them or both of them ever pick this creative industry, I would give them the liberty to create their niche, I will show them how to navigate the various geographical terrains and I will show them the location they can get the most for their effort and what they should expect. In summary, I will be there to guide them all the way.

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