From David Onwuchekwa, Nnewi

All roads on Saturday led to St Thomas Anglican Church, Mbanagu Otolo, Nnewi, Anambra State for the funeral of Mrs Victoria Oyiboka Chukwudinma (Anyadiya), Nee Ikwuemesi, Aged 89, whose event the family members tagged celebration of life.

Late Mrs Chukwudinma, the mother-in-law of the immediate past Deputy Governor of Anambra State, His Excellency, Dr Nkem Okeke was described as an embodiment of generosity, kindness, calmness, warmth, thoughtful nature and beauty that radiates from within.

The funeral event attracted a whole lot of senior clergy in the Anglican Communion physically present at the Church service which the Bishop of Nnewi Diocese, Rt Rev Ndubisi Obi officiated.

The political class was fully represented, who came to commiserate with the former Deputy Governor. Indeed, other dignitaries including Professor Patric Obi who represented the Presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Mr Peter Obi; the traditional Prime Minister of Enugwu-Ukwu, Chief Dennis Anekwe; the Speaker of the Anambra State House of Assembly, Rt Hon Somto Udenze; the Governor of Anambra State, Professor Charles Soludo represented by the Commissioner for Information, Sir Paul Nwosu; Dr (Mrs) Greg Mbadiwe; business gurus and captains of industry in Nnewi among them was the founder of Cutix Plc, Engr Ajulu Uzodike; and people from all walks of life within and outside Nigeria graced the event.

Dr Okeke while he moved to perform his funeral rites, accompanied by his Enugwu-Ukwu kinsmen, friends and well-wishers released some dance steps that revealed him as a masterful dancer. Thereafter he presented the items he brought for the funeral rites including two cows to his in-laws and was blessed by the recipients in appreciation, praying that God would continue to bless him the more.

In his tribute, Dr Okeke said nostalgically that the moment he married his wife, Oby, his late mother-in-law welcomed him with open arms and began to treat him like a son, not a son-in-law. He noted that her kindness and love for him never stopped until she passed on.

“I addressed you as ‘Mama’ and some people may not see anything special about it because I address most female family friends about my own Mama’s age as such. However, I addressed you as Mama because you were truly my Mama.

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“I have wonderful memories of how you looked after me when I visited. Whether it was when you were in Lagos, Enugu and even the later part of your life when you were in London. You always asked me before I arrived what I wanted to eat, whether it was rice and stew or swallow. You even went as far as asking what soup I wanted. Of course, you were one of, if not, the best when it comes to cooking. I never liked egusi soup, but I ate the ones you cooked. You always made sure that my room was ready, the bed was made, and towels and washcloths were all provided for me to use. I never lacked anything while visiting you. I remember the times you spent with me, asking questions trying to find out what was going on in my life and of course giving me advice on how to handle issues.

“I also remember your words whenever am about to leave, ‘nwamuodizi ka gianazina’ (I wish you wouldn’t go). Of course, I couldn’t leave the house without gifts from you for the children, grandchildren, siblings, nephews and nieces, “the former Deputy Governor’s tribute read in part.

Other tributes came from Her Excellency, Oby Nkem-Okeke who articulated the virtues of her mother in two pages of the brochure, her other siblings and all the products of the late Mrs Chukwudinmma.

Earlier in a church service, the Vicar, Venerable Okey Okeke in a soul-touching sermon described the deceased as one who lived good life. He took his first reading from the Book of Psalms chapter forty-six verse one.

He advised the family members of the late Mrs Chukwudinmma to always live in peace and avoid anything that could bring disunity among them. He told them that they should make God their place of refuge at all times and be assured of God’s blessings and protection.

“The Lord is your only refuge, a place of safety and shelter that has no comparison. No demon, deity, or anything on earth can harm you. That protection can only change if you remove yourself from God, “he advised.

The funeral was very colourful as everyone irrespective of class was treated to sumptuous dishes with varieties to drink while listening to melodious tunes from a standby life band.

Oyibo woman, as her children fondly called her is survived by four children with many grand, great-grandchildren and in-laws.

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