By Chiedu Azutalam

Over the last few days, a 3D animation clip of Charterhouse Lagos, a recently launched British model primary school, has kept the Nigerian social media space buzzing. While the school’s eye-catching facilities blew minds, fees per session, pegged at N42 million, and application fee of N2 million left jaws hanging in addition to a lot of head-scratching.

Trawling through the comment sections of media platforms with the story, I was astounded to see a scale of support for the fees that I did not think possible. Many commenters did not find anything wrong with the eye-watering fees charged, as they argued that the school, in addition to providing learning, also provides viable networking. Notably, a thought leader in the education and career development space argued in a post on his X and LinkedIn pages that the school is for 1% of the population and the investment is a plus for Nigerians and the education system.

I found similar sentiments in the comments alluding to the fact that parents who cannot afford to send their children to the school should look for cheaper alternatives. I found two things instructive. The first is the percentage of the population fees charged by Charterhouse Lagos can possibly affect. The second is that those who find the fees way too steep (I do) are free to seek cheaper alternatives. 

That takes me to the outrage at the just announced tariff increase by pay television company, MultiChoice. The announcement, as usual, is like headbutting a hornet’s nest. Social media platforms have been a giant broth pot of ire since Wednesday evening. There are no surprises that there have been calls for boycott, price freeze, implementation of pay as you go or pay per view billing model in addition to downright xenophobic dog whistling. All that for reviewing prices of a service used directly by less than 5 percent of the population? Stunning.

Education, healthcare, electricity, food and fuel, cooking gas, services/products used by almost every Nigerian, have witnessed steady and sharp price increases in the last eight years. The increases became much steeper starting from last year with leaping inflation which, in March, stood at 33.7 per cent. None of the price increases provoked the kind of public ire that MultiChoice price review has provoked and has always provoked.

If such outrage is a general response to every price increase in the country, a phenomenon which has become a norm, this writer would have not have bothered to to challenge what is selective and Disproportionate outrage by Nigerian consumers, regulators and the National Assembly. Take for example the opening story above, I am yet to find the leadership of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) embark on a protest like they did when MultiChoice adjusted its price last year. One would expect them to be more concerned in this situation considering it involves education.

Similarly, since the removal of petroleum subsidy last May, the prices of various essential commodities have been on the rise. The price of Premium Motor Spirit has hovered between N600 and N700 across various states in Nigeria. Since January 2024, a bag of rice has been sold between the range of N75,000 and N90,000. The price of cooking gas has surged from N10,000 to N15,800. Yet, no individual or corporate organisation has attempted to sue the Federal Government for the stifling hardship the masses are undergoing  like two lawyers did when MultiChoice increased its rate in 2015.

The two men challenged MultiChoice’s right to increase prices at a Federal High Court sitting in Lagos. Their suit was dismissed. Another lawyer, two years ago, did something similar when he challenged the pay TV company’s right to adjust prices at the Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal. He also lost his bid for a prize freeze.

Earlier in April, the Federal Government announced a 300% increment for electricity tariffs from N68 per Kilowatt-hour to N228. The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission disclosed segmentation of electricity consumers into various band categories for the purpose of power distribution and tariff pricing. Distribution companies have been accused of failing to fulfil their obligations despite price increment. Still, no individual or corporate organisation has petitioned the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission like a certain Mr Festus Onifade did when MultiChoice announced price adjustments in 2022.

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In February, Nigerian Breweries announced another price adjustment for its products, blaming the rising cost of production for its decision. One would expect the FCCPC, National Assembly and other consumer protection bodies to swoop in and attempt to halt such increments like they would do if it was MultiChoice. To my surprise, beyond social media grumblings, none of what I expected happened. This begs the question, why do we treat MultiChoice like a public enemy with our hypocritical and selective outrage when they announce price adjustments?

Critics usually like to claim that, unlike other products and services, MultiChoice is a monopoly that has failed to allow its competitors thrive, a dishonest sentiment driven by hypocrisy. StarTimes is very much active in the market and they offer DTH and DTT services to willing customers. There are options.

Nigerians, I am afraid, tell themselves a lie that they do not have options. That is when you can have a monopoly. But as  the Competition and Consumer Protection  Commission Tribunal ruled in 2022, no monopoly exists in the sector.  MultiChoice, for example, has exclusive broadcasting rights to the Premier League the same way StarTimes owns exclusive rights to Bundesliga and Saudi Pro League. For some strange reasons, I do not hear them accused of monopolistic conduct.

It is also worth noting that when MultiChoice was on the brink of failing to secure broadcasting rights to the AFCON 2023 tournament and StarTimes had secured access to the matches, they did not hesitate to adjust their subscription rates to reflect economic realities. Much to my surprise, their announcement was not greeted with the same intensity of adversarial reactions that would have trailed MultiChoice’s price adjustment announcement.

To go a step further, aggrieved customers allege that MultiChoice offers no value beyond their exclusive rights to Premier League content. I expect that competitors will be keen to overtake MultiChoice by investing in superior local content for entertainment that customers will find irresistible. But the truth is Africa Magic has committed more investments to the production of content across various genres such as local and indigenous movies and series, reality shows, film festivals and awards among others.

We are all aware that Nigeria has recorded 14 consecutive increases in its inflation figures, currently pegged at 33.20% in March 2024 from 31.70% recorded in February according to the National Bureau of Statistics. This means since MultiChoice last announced price adjustment in November 2023 when the inflation rate was still 28.20%, there has been at least 5% increase in the general cost of production in the market. Do customers expect their subscription prices to remain the same when the cost of production for the content they enjoy has spiked astronomically? After all, the company is not immune to the various macroeconomic factors which have made production more expensive.

It would be out of character for the National Assembly to not set up a committee hearing aimed at directing MultiChoice to suspend the planned price adjustment or adopt a PAYG model. Unfortunately, the lawmakers seem to always jettison the resolutions reached by their predecessors when they do this. The government does not have the right to determine prices for a private entity, especially if the costs reflect the country’s true economic realities. And if they insist on doing so, they have to be ready to embark on a general price control mechanism for all commodities and services. If they attempt to do so, you and I can agree that would be a fool’s errand. Similarly, asking for PAYG in a country with a GDP Per Capita of $1011 is to be removed from reality.

Instead, the National Assembly should be more concerned with improving the ease of doing business in Nigeria to combat inflation and to stem the tide of multinational companies leaving the country. The likes of Procter and Gamble, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi-Aventi, Bolt Food among others have already left and we are feeling the harsh impact of their exit. We should not cause self-harm to ourselves by allowing our hypocrisy to make us drive MultiChoice away too.

• Azutalam writes from Enugu

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