• It’s not true –RoboMichael

From Tony John, Port Harcourt

Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) and Ken Saro-Wiwa Associate (KSA)  have condemned RoboMichael Limited and the Nigerian Army over yesterday’s alleged forceful occupation of MOSOP’s secretariat in Bori, the Ogoniland headquarters.

MOSOP and KSA flayed the oil firm for besieging their Freedom allegedly Centre with soldiers in two military tanks and many Hilux vehicles, and forced their way into the main hall to provide backing for a meeting between RoboMichael and some Ogoni chiefs.

This was as RoboMichael promised to bring development in Ogoniland, by providing structures that would create a harmonious working environment and sustain the relationship.

Publicity Secretary of MOSOP,  Fegalo Nsuke, and the National Coordinator of KSA, Chief Gani Topba, in separate addresses, said the company has demonstrated an unfriendly behaviour.

“We are shocked that RoboMicheal, a strange company to the Ogoni people, who claims to be the new operator of the Ogoni oil-fields, on its first visit to Ogoniland, could only convey such a frightening and intimidating character reminiscent of the brutal years of the former head of state, the late Genaral Sani Abacha, forcefully occupying our secretariat and depicting a strong determination to crush and kill any Ogoni opposition against its intents to resume oil production in the land.

“RoboMichael Limited yesterday, demonstrated its inhuman side and true personality signalling real danger to the peace and security of our people,

“The action of RoboMichael smacks the return of military oppression in Ogoniland. We condemn this action of RoboMichael and the penchant of the Nigerian authorities to deploy troops to repress the wishes of our people.

“We demand a probe into the military occupation of our secretariat yesterday, especially given the fact that we have not approved our secretariat for a meeting with RoboMichael.

“We, specifically, call on President Muhammadu Buhari to protect the Ogoni people from this alliance between RoboMichael and the Nigerian military.”

The two groups reiterated that, as an indigenous community, the only demand the Ogoni people have made to the Nigerian state is that rights and dignity of the people should be respected as contained in the Ogoni Bill of Rights.

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The KSA went a step further by staging a peaceful demonstration in some communities in Khana Local Government Area and insisted that no drop of oil would be drilled in their land.

Some of their placards read: ‘RoboMichael: Voice of Shell, hand of NPDC’ and ‘Spirit of Ogoni says no to RoboMichael, Shell and NPDC’.

The meeting that sparked off the reactions from the two bodies was convened by the Conference of Ogoni Traditional Rulers (COTRA).

RoboMichael, through its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ayobo Michael Ibrahim, said the company would engage experts to carry out a thorough environmental clean up before commencing any exploration in Ogoniland.

Meanwhile, Director, Operations of RoboMichael Limited, Festus Uchenna, has denied the allegation that his company invaded Bori with military men.

He noted that the company’s security men only escorted the management of RoboMichael in and out of Ogoni.

The director alleged that since the company got licence to explore Ogoni oil, the only person who has significantly stood against it is the MOSOP President, Legborsi Pyagbara.

He added that Pyagbara is only the president of an organisation and not the Ogoni people.

Uchenna said: “There was nothing like invasion as MOSOP has claimed. What happened was that the company used security based on the volatile nature of the region.

“They (traditional rulers) called us to come and explain to the people what we have for them. We got some threat,  so, we went with security. The youths, chiefs, women, elders numbering over 1,500 were present at the venue. So, how will the military break in.

“I must place on record that the military has been professional in their duties. They only escorted us in and out of the place. The MOSOP president is the person that has been against us since we started.

“He is only the president of MOSOP and not the president of Ogoni. Ogoni leaders invited us after their meeting on December 26,” Uchenna stressed. 

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