Ben Dunno, Warri

There seems to be no end to the internal crisis rocking the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Edo State ahead of the governorship elections, as a leader of the party in Esan South East Local Government area, Chief Victor Ifada, has announced his resignation from the party.

Chief Ifada, a leading member of the party in the state and also a grassroots mobilizer in Ward 10, same Local Government area with the governorship candidate, Dr. Asue Ighodalo, in his resignation letter to the Ward Chairman, a copy of which was made available to newsmen, yesterday, based his decision on focusing more on business and community development projects.

Chief Ifada, ‘The Ozongbonre of Ugboha Kingdom’, had distinguished himself as a reputable Civil Engineer, who played a significant role in emergence of PDP to power since 1999 when the nation returned to democratic rule.

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Presently the national President of Esan Uzoya peoples Welfare, Chief Ifada had contributed immensely to the relevance of the party both at the ward 10 in Esan South East and the unit level in Ugboha kingdom, where he galvanized grassroot support for the party since its inception.

While wishing the party leadership well in whatever future endeavors, Chief Ifada, expressed willingness to offer credible advice when consulted on any issue that would promote the interest of the party in the state, especially regarding the forthcoming elections.

He thanked the party leadership for the honour and respect accorded him while working with them and assured that he would not take their goodwill throughout his stay at the party for granted.

“It is with a heartfelt appreciation that I tender my resignation letter from the party which I was part of from inception. My desire to quit at this point is to allow me more time to focus on my business and community development projects geared towards improving the wellbeing of our people.

He urged party faithfuls who have worked with him in the grassroots mobilizations of voters for the party victories in elections to remain calm and focused, assuring them of his continued support wherever the need arises in the spirit of the bond that had existed between them.

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