The Defence Headquarters said its troops had, in the last two weeks, neutralised 28 terrorists, apprehended 113 and rescued 82 victims in various operations across the country.

The Director, Defence Media Operations, Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, who made the disclosure while briefing newsmen on the operations of the military across the country, yesterday, in Abuja, said the apprehended suspects comprised 92 terrorists, six gunrunners, three kidnappers, six collaborators and seven perpetrators of oil theft.

He said the troops also recovered 108 weapons and 564 ammunition, comprising 22 AK47 rifles, one PKT gun, six pump action guns, four dane guns, one fabricated rifle, one galil ace rifle, one RGP bomb, one RPG tube and 44 hand grenades.

“Also recovered are 322 rounds of 7.62mm special, 63 rounds of 12.7mm ammo, 12 rounds of 5.6mm ammo, 33 AK47 magazines, one empty case of 7.62mm special and 3 empty magazines. Other items include; 14 motorcycles, 16 mobile phones, 3 motorolla radios, one boafeng radio, 2 motorcycle tyres, 5 torch lights, 2 solar panels, 104 livestock and the sum of N2.8 million,” he said.

Buba said the troops in the Niger Delta area discovered and destroyed 36 dugout pits, 62 wooden boats, 73 storage tanks, one vehicle and 75 cooking ovens during the period. He added that the troops also impounded four pumping machines, five outboard engines and 33 illegal refining sites, as well as recovery of 1,166,900 litres of stolen crude oil, 1,491,250 litres of illegally refined AGO, 54,750 litres of DPK and 800 litres of PMS.

In the North East, Buba said the troops of Operation Hadin Kai eliminated seven terrorists, arrested five and rescued 31 hostages, while 28 family members of the Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorists, comprising nine adult females and 19 children, were also rescued and taken into custody.

He said the troops recovered 20 AK47 rifles, one FN rifle, one galileo rifle, three dane guns, one AK47 rifle loaded with 17 rounds of 7.62mm special, 154 rounds of 7.62mm special, 63 rounds of 12.7mm ammo, among others.

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In the North Central, Buba said the troops of Operation Safe Haven eliminated two gunmen, rescued two hostages and arrested six kidnappers as well as recovered arms and ammunition during the period. He said the troops apprehended a notorious kidnapping gang leader and other foot soldiers at Mangu and Bokkos Local Government Areas of Plateau.

In the North West, Buba said troops of Operation Hadarin Daji had continued to degrade the terrorists in Katsina, Kaduna, Sokoto and Zamfara States. He said the troops neutralised 13 terrorists, arrested seven, two informants and two collaborators as well as rescued 16 hostages and recovered seven AK47 rifles, one PKT gun, one AK47 rifle loaded with 18 rounds of 7.62mm special, five AK47 magazines and 20 rounds of 7.62mm special.

“Others include; six motorcycles, three mobile phones, three motorola radios, one radio charger, two solar panels, one old sewing machine, a pair of woodland camouflage and the sum of N2.4 million,” he said.

In the South East, he said the troops of Operation UDO KA eliminated three IPOB/ESN terrorists, recovered four pump action guns, one single barrel loaded with 100 live cartridges, one locally fabricated rifle and three live cartridges.

“Troops also arrested 18 terrorists and rescued two kidnapped hostages. All recovered items, arrested suspects and rescued hostages were handed over to the relevant authority for further action. The operations, as enumerated, is indicative of the professionalism of men and women of the armed forces, their courage and bravery.

“Troops will continue to use superior military force to eliminate any group or groups that constitute a threat to the safety of citizens and their own forces alike,” Buba said.

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