“Metaphysics of Christian Marriage” is a book that will make couples face the realities of life and protect themselves under the supreme will of destiny.

Prof. Nathan Uzorma Protus

“Good day, man of God, I want to deeply express my gratitude to God for using you to answer part of my prayer request for which I ordered your oil and did the prayer as you instructed me. After the prayer, like magic, someone came to buy one of those my properties that has been hanging for a very long time…God did it and to Him be the glory.”

– Mr. Anthony, 08034526214

“Dear brother, wonders shall never end, I truly want to thank God for what he did for my family through the use of your oil. I was told by a prophet that my father that I so much love was responsible for my setback in life. I have prayed for a long time about it and nothing happened until I read your column in The Sun, when I contacted you and ordered your oil; it was as if I was not serious but, three days after the assignment, my wife called me and took me to a forest and confessed all that she did against me with a spiritualist and showed me where it was buried. We exhumed it and I anointed the place with the oil. Thereafter she parked all her things and left my house, but when you asked me to forgive her and to bring her back, I did, and today we are living happily and the glory in my business is fully back. Thank you so much.”

– Mr. Timothy (contact withheld)

The word “marriage” has made it into the mainstream of human consciousness, but not everybody knows what it really means or how to deal with it, hence I have heard the voice of infatuation calling from the room of incompatibility for consolidation of a union that God has not destined. Thus lust manifested to strengthen the union, lust succeeded for a moment, but when faced with familiarity, lust lost its grip on the union, and thus was confronted with the realities of life.

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The knowledge of reality made lust to realise that the superiority of falsehood over the truth is but for a moment. Very soon, many people who married under the auspices of lust and infatuation will certainly realise that they have made the worst mistake of their lives, but here is the answer, “Metaphysics of Christian Marriage” is a book of the moment that will make couples face the realities of life, and thus protect themselves under the supreme will of destiny. O children of Adam! Here I come with a stirring revelation of hope for humanity.

Earthmen here is wisdom, take it!

Children of Adam, ignorance and illusion were disputing over vanity, thus they were prosecuted by blasphemy and heresy in the court of error. Injustice became the constitutional yardstick by which ignorance and illusion were tried.

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Consequently, ignorance was found guilty in the court of error and was sentenced to life imprisonment. While in the prison, ignorance did its worst and was thereafter imprisoned by the prisoners. While in the inner prison of prisoners, ignorance was opportune to marry imbecility, the first daughter of error. Thus ignorance co-imprisoned prisoners officiated the marriage.

In the process, ignorance went to the court of error to obtain marriage certificate. The marriage certificate was signed by illusion and heresy. Thereafter, heresy handed it over to divorce who is the clerk and messenger in the court of error. Thus the clerk (divorce) again delivered it to ignorance who on his way back with his wife imbecility finally met wisdom who parted and divorced the relationship hence it was contracted blindly and not by destiny.

Wisdom has spoken! Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

“Marriages are made in heaven” without any problem but the ones done on earth are characterised by several predicaments, born of incompatibility, grow in error and graduate in divorce. Marriages today have so discredited the truth in the science of divine union due to increase in error and falsehood inherent in the language and behaviour of the Churchmen.

Various traditions have been instituted to foster marriages, some of these traditions encourage a lot of errors, and even the civil marriage is a good example of this. This kind of (civil) marriage is nothing but a sober business contract and those who hitherto bind themselves do so just to tackle mundane and illusory feelings. Because of this error, they go into serious bargain that only ensures each other’s material security. The church on her side has seriously encouraged this type of marriage and thus spiritualised their mistakes to become their modus operandi! And those who only see from the wrong reflection of the church are now bewildered in profound phantasmagoria.

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This petulant and huffy state of consciousness initiated by mass acceptance of fallacy, and apprehension of illusion has greatly accelerated the rate of divorce; this is so because the masses have been wrongly informed that marriage can be entered into merely out of physical desires induced by their knowledge of material opulence which hitherto becomes a reed by which truth and destiny are ascertained. This wrong concept, having been awakened and artificially nourished by reading bad literatures, watching home movies, wrong conversations and by playing around, have continued to wreck homes.

“Aided and abetted by many parents, girls have become supposedly too clever to allow themselves solely to be guided by their purer spiritual knowledge, and thus they rush all the more easily into unhappiness. Such persons will already pay in part for their superficiality in their married life. But only in part, the bitter experience of reciprocal action in consequence of such false marriages comes much later, for the main fault lies in irresponsibly neglecting the opportunity to advance.

The modern generation of vipers characterised by topsy-turvy of reality, swayed by retrogressive propensities, having ridiculed the truth, seldom move into marriage by transcendental conviction born by cosmological verdict, imbedded in the voice of God and translated into nature. For he who ignores nature ignores the creator.

There are cases where young girls marry out of spite to annoy some other person, some marry out of sympathy, others marry for material reasons, few or none marries for LOVE by obeying the will of God. O how happy and different when a marriage has been contracted on the right foundation (destiny), and develops harmoniously “joyfully and voluntarily saving each other, the couple grows together towards spiritual ennoblement. Shoulder to shoulder they seemingly face all mundane trials”. Such a marriage through its sheer happiness becomes a gain for their whole existence! And in this happiness lies a swinging upwards, not only for the individuals concerned but for all humanity.

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