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Real estate business is becoming more lucrative than most other activities people engage in. In the recent past, may be, because people do not bother how they sleep and where they live, there was not much attention given to real estate. Today, the impact of technology has made it possible for people to learn how people of other climes live and sleep. Today also, it is no longer to learn how people sleep and where they live, it has gone further to include helping people to fashion how they sleep and where they live. It has become so popular that people now eke a living in that and continues in that way to innovate a competitive ways that suit different people with different societal status. People can now, opt to develop a property for another for a cost and continues to change the pattern as the client requests.

Many a time the popular question for those who wants to make career as a developer is, ‘how do I get started as a developer, as real estate agent and so on? It is usually followed by a string of other questions which amount to; Could you just draw me a map that will guide me through every detailed step to becoming a developer? Many people may choose to undergo a training in project development while others will like to undergo an apprenticeship just to learn the art and begin operation.

Others who have enough money usually open an office and employ professionals who may not have enough money to register and establish an office to run for them. Still, others choose to enter into partnership with the professionals to run the business. People who are interested in this line of work come from a wide range of starting points.  A lot of them already have a fair amount of skill in one aspect or another of the built environment.  They have been a contractor, broker, planner, activist, architect, or property manager.  They know enough about how things work to recognize that they have a lot to learn outside of the field that originally led them to development.

Some experts have categorized these groupings variously to include but not limited to site selection, urban design, site planning and civil engineering. The price paid for securing land is the single most critical variable in beginning stages of a real estate project. Therefore, understanding what the site can and cannot do and how a building sits on the site to create value are paramount considerations. These four skills help a developer compare many sites against each other, fit in with the neighborhood, and deal with soil, water and utility conditions. There is what is referred to entitlement that refers to what the owner of the land is entitled to do with it, which is typically governed by the local municipality’s zoning code. A developer must evaluate what can be done with a site under the existing rules of setbacks, parking requirements, building size and height – or measure the risk associated with changing its classification or getting a variance. Equally as important as the written word is knowing the people who administer the processes involved in obtaining approvals.

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There is the real estate deal structure, pro formas and finance that takes care of the  money and contracts, the heart of any real estate project. In a typical arrangement, the project has an operating partner, the person in charge of the whole process, and a capital partner, the person supplying seed money for a percent return on their investment. Together, they will seek additional financing from a bank or other entity in the form of a loan. A pro forma is a spreadsheet that tracks how the development makes money in rent or sales and how that income is distributed to its partners and the bank. We still have those whose specifications are to do the building designs.

These people are known as the architecture, electrical, mechanical and structural engineering, etc. This is the know-how that makes a building perform well and be dignified. A deep understanding of building codes can help the small developer optimize the size and functionality of individual units while avoiding costly construction methodologies or mechanical systems. Context appropriate exterior detailing and quality material selection can both gain favor with the neighbors and help the building stand the test of time.

The Construction and construction management is another segment in the lot. There are two key groups who make the construction or renovation of a building happen: skilled tradesmen and project managers. Leveraging the knowledge and work effort of the electricians, plumbers, welders, carpenters, roofers and installers is either a general contractor or construction manager. Regardless of the size and type of project, small developers need to carefully manage the process and risks involved in construction with thorough planning and contingency reserves. The marketing, sales, leasing and property management are other groups one can major in. Once you have a building, it must be sold or frequently leased and maintained.  Real estate agents and brokers handle many of the steps to attracting tenants or buyers and prepare the appropriate paperwork to ensure qualified applicants. If the developer is retaining ownership of the property, someone must answer the calls to unplug toilets and plan for big replacements like water heaters and roofs. That’s the realm of a property manager.

Project and business management is also a critical aspect and also very cardinal in the built environment sector. There are many details to keep track of and people to communicate with to make a real estate project move forward. Also, someone needs a good handle on business finance to guide the cash flow throughout the lifecycle of a project. The small developer needs to make intentional decisions about where along the development process they will make money and structure their tax and business arrangements to maximize those positions. Very few people master all of those skills. If you start with small projects, you can gain an overview, and understanding when they are needed at the various stages of a project.

You get a sense of the basics for each skill set.  If you don’t have the skill which the project requires, you can’t go without.  So you should borrow or rent the needed skill.  Look for people who are genuinely interested in your project and who are actually happy to teach you about their specialty.  A developer does not have to know everything, but they should have a good idea who to call or team up with before it is too late.ome, too. Optimistically, this will mean better protection for buyers and less asinine regulation on real estate professionals. The real revolution has just started and we will see explosive growth. Like in so many industries, change for real estate professionals is not always bad. These changes will produce more transactions because the process will become easier, and those who embrace these changes will win. Most importantly, the consumer will win because they will have more transparency and control.