…You don’t have such constitutional right, Ifo, party’s scribe, tells ward


From Tony Osauzo, Benin and Idu Jude, Abuja 

The National Chairman of Labour Party (LP), Julius Abure, has been suspended by his Ward 3, Arue, Uromi executive of the party in Esan North East Local Government of Edo State over alleged high-handedness, fraud and anti-party activities.

Abure’s suspension was conveyed to him through a letter signed by the Chairman and Secretary of Ward 3, Thompson Ehiguese and Stanley Usiomoh, respectively.

The letter entitled: “Suspension of Barr. Julius Abure from the membership of Ward 3, Arue, Uromi, Esan North East LGA, Edo State” and dated May 14, 2024, said: “Please take notice that you have been suspended from the membership of Ward 3, Arue, Uromi, Esan North East LGA, Edo State.

“This decision was reached after a rigorous deliberation by members of the Ward in consideration of your high-handedness and anti-party activities in the administration of the party and other myriads of allegations of fraud leveled against you which are currently under investigation.

“While this suspension is with immediate effect, you are advised to restrain from holding out or parading yourself as a member of Labour Party, Ward 3, Arue, Uromi in Esan North East LGA, Edo State”.

Abure’s suspension was ratified by the executive of the Labour Party, Esan North East Local Government of the party in a letter signed by Patrick Onogbeni and Ehikioya Eromosele, Chairman and Secretary of the party, respectively, in Esan North East Local Government Area of Edo State.

Dated  May 15, 2024 and entitled: “Ratification of Suspension of Comrade Julius Abure from the membership of Ward 3, Arue, Uromi, Esan North East LGA” and addressed to the State Executive Council, Labour Party, Edo State, the letter reads: “Here forwarded to you and for your consideration is the ratification of the suspension of Comr. Barr. Julius Abure from the membership of Ward 3, Arue, Uromi, Esan North East LGA, Edo State.

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“The LGA Executives met today, 15th of May, 2024, at about 12:00 noon, to consider the matters presented on the suspension and accordingly found them weighty and the suspension ratified and upheld”.

The Chairman of Labour Party in Esan North East Local Government, Patrick Onogbeni, while presenting the letters to the state executive council, presided over by the State Chairman, Kelly Ogbaloi late Friday night at the party secretariat in Benin, said that Abure’s suspension has become imperative following his high-handedness and unending anti-party activities.

At the end of the deliberation on the matter by the Executive Council, the state Chairman of LP, Ogbaloi, while addressing journalists said that the state executive council had no choice, but to endorse the suspension which was also ratified by the party’s executive council in Esan North East Local Government Area of the state.

On his part, Mr Patrick Agbontaen, the state deputy chairman of the party said that  the party was fed up with Mr Abure, as a result of the series of allegations of corruption and other anti-party activities levelled against him, adding that the state executive was fully in agreement with the decision to suspend him until further notice.

But the National Publicity Secretary of the Labour Party, Mr Obiora Ifo, in a swift reaction, said that the alleged suspension of Abure is a violation of the constitutional procedure for suspending the national chairman of the party.

He pointed out that the 2019 Labour Party constitution, Article 17, Subsection one is clear that only the National Convention convened solely for the removal of the national chairman with a two-third majority can suspend or remove the chairman.

He also pointed out that the ward, LG, or even the state have no power to suspend the national chairman.

“An Edo High Court has also ruled on this matter. Also, an Appeal Court has ruled on this matter.

“This dimension is a continuation of the attack on the person of Abure as witnessed during the governorship primaries. It will also amount to nothing and we are not perturbed,” Ifo said.

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