Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA) has accused the army of misplaced priority in confronting and killing unarmed members of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) while allowing Fulani terrorists in the North West, and elements of Boko Haram to continuously launch deadly attacks in the North West, North East and in  Kogi Niger states.

HURIWA also accused President Muhammadu Buhari of selective justice by spending tax payers money to fund the rehabilitation and deradicalisation of Boko Haram terrorists, who are responsible for the killings of over 30,000 citizens, including women and children, but ordering the killings of unarmed IPOB members in the South East.

The rights group wondered why the Chief of Army Staff,  Lt. General Faruk Yahaya was fixated about IPOB and constantly dishing out warnings to deal with Igbo youths, whereas Fulani terrorists were allowed to go on rampage in parts of the north killing, maiming, destroying lives and properties, including kidnapping and killings of pastors and students in Kaduna and Kogi States. HURIWA challenged the army chief to launch a successful rescue mission to bring back some northern female students abducted by terrorists in the last eight months.

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“It is a crying shame that Nigeria has a functional army that falsely prides itself as the biggest army in Africa, but rag tag terrorists and Islamic rebels are allowed to kill at will. Where are the over 30 Fulani terrorists declared wanted by the Defence Headquarters and why are these terrorists being allowed to continue to expand their frontiers of attacks on soft targets including school girls whom they routinely raid their dormitories to kidnap?”

HURIWA recalled that eight months after the abduction of 80 students from the Federal Government College, Birnin Yauri, in Kebbi State, more than 10 of them are still in captivity despite payment of ransom and prisoner swap, at different times.

The group quoting dependable media sources said no fewer than 13 of the female students were married off to bandits with some of them already pregnant.

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