By Henry Uche

Vice Chancellor of Lagos state University, Professor Ibiyemi Olatunji Bello, has called on all stakeholders in the insurance industry to join forces towards the promotion of the profession.

Speaking at insurance summit put together by the department of Insurance, Bello who was represented by the Dean, Faculty of Law, Professor Kareem Olatoye Ibrahim, said the onus was not only on the insurance educators or NAICOM, but on operators, insurance enthusiasts and it other doyens. “All hands must be on deck to boost insurance profession” she urged.

With the theme, “Inclusive Insurance in an Emerging Market: Evidence from the Nigerian Insurance Industry”, the Head of insurance department, Dr. Abass Olufemi, said since Nigeria is lagging behind in insurance penetration, it was his desire to see that more young people embrace insurance as a profession as insurance teacher.

“It’s a handshake between the gown and the town. That’s why we involved the academia. The regulator should open the space, let’s look for the smaller businesses and incorporate. For our students, the willingness to study insurance have increased.

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We need to increase insurance density with all we have. Everybody should be on board. Whether we pray 24/7 or not, we are faced with risks and hazards, it’s time we accepted the truth about insurance” he stressed.

For the Chief Operating Officer of Heirs Life Insurance, Mrs. Tosin Bayo-Yusuf, insurance is what everyone needs but sadly, nobody, but a few wants to talk about it . Thus, the  informed ones should strive to disabuse the minds of others about insurance. “Banks are on the fast lane while insurance is still like crawling, we need to do something serious,” she implored.

Similarly, the registrar, Chartered Insurance Institute Of Nigeria (CIIN), Mrs.

Abimbola Tiamiyu, posited that insurance is a profession that practitioners get fulfilled, make positive impact and make wealth, despite all odds.

Tiamiyu who used herself as example, urged insurance students to study with purpose and never be daunted. “You can become what you set out to achieve if you are determined. Do not limit yourself, many of us had no insurance background but here we are today, you too can be greater if you work towards it” she admonished.

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