From Fred Itua, Abuja

Ahead of the November 11 governorship election in Kogi state, women from the state have declared support for the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate, Ododo Ahmed Usman, saying, being one of the architects of the current 32-year development plan for the state, he is a proper fit to continue with the developmental trajectory of the incumbent, Governor Yahaya Bello.

The women under the aegis of ‘Family & Friends Campaign for Ododo 2023’ made their position known in two separate letters sent to Governor Bello and Alhaji Ododo, copies of which were made available to our correspondent on Tuesday.

While congratulating the governor for hosting a hitch-free APC Governorship Primary Election, the women urged aggrieved contestants to not resort to self-help.

In the letter signed by the duo of Nana Ohunene Aliyu and Naimat Omeiza-Ajayi, the group said; “As women, we have taken time to follow your footprints of leadership right from the first day of your administration and we are pleased to renew our support for you.

“It is on record that you allowed everyone the freewill to pursue their aspirations and at the same time provided a level playing ground for all, despite post-election grumblings from a few who would rather that you singlehandedly selected them as flagbearer and discard all known democratic principles”.

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In a separate letter to the candidate, the women noted that Ododo’s track record of goodwill, consistency, loyalty and dedication to the general good cannot be over-emphasized.

“As Auditor General for Local Governments, it is on record that you went out of your way to engage in several humanitarian and pro-people gestures including building a hospital for your people, sinking boreholes for an orphanage and empowering of several Kogites on a large scale.

“We are happy with the fact that you have extended an olive branch to your fellow contestants, and together, with the support of the womenfolk and the grace of Almighty Allah, victory is assured, come November.

“As women, we have keenly followed your developmental trajectory both in public and private life and we know that you were part of those who developed the 32-year development blueprint for the Governor Yahaya Bello New Direction administration.

“Therefore, your pledge to continue with the implementation of the blueprint is not lost on us and we assure you of our all-round support in this direction”, the group stated.

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