From Emmanuel Adeyemi Lokoja
It was all glitz and glamour at the government house Lokoja on Saturday night as   52 media organisations and media practitioners were given various awards in the  just concluded 29th media merit  award held over the weekend in lokoja the Kogi State capital

The colourful ceremony which started at 8.30 pm on Saturday and ended by 2.30 am on Sunday attracted  eminent Nigerians including top personalities in the media industry.

  The chief host of the programme, Governor Yahaya Bello in his address at the occasion charged media organizations and practitioner to imbibe self regulation to tackle  the menace of fake news capable of distabilizing the nation.

According to him,  Sanitizing the media industry and keeping it professional is a job the media practitioners must do for themselves, saying government cannot help to avoid being caught in the web of censorship.

Governor Bello  who lamented that every attempt to regulate fake news or hate speech by government has raised  hue and cry among media organizations  with accusations of gagging free speech, said time has come for media practitioners to face the challenge like other professional bodies to sanitize the noble profession as the  watchdog of the society.

“The bravest and most professional individuals among you need to set examples in standing up to these giant forces for the more timid ones.

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“They can do that by remaining resolutely true to what is ethical, actual or factual, no matter whose ox is gored. The profession needs to institutionalize reward and punishment systems for professional misconduct in the line of duty” he said

While commending the NMMA awards  for provoking  the pursuit of excellence by media practitioners , Governor Bello, charged media organizations to go extra mile and come up with innovative methods to help stem the tide of unprofessional behaviour in the media industry.

“I would suggest that you become creative in naming and shaming those who deal in inaccurate reportage. For instance, you could institute another set of award like they have in some countries like the USA to name and shame those, individuals and media houses alike, who carry the most egspeechregious fake news or hate every year”.

He congratulated  all the  awardees and described them as  the shining lights of the 4th estate of the realm  and charged them  to maintain the  high levels of professional conduct and performance going forward.

In his welcome address, the Chairman NMMA Board of Trustee Dr Haroun Al-Rashid Adamu commended  Governor Yahaya Bello for hosting the the programme and urged others to emulate him.
Earlier, a gala night was held on Friday at the glass house  for the various dignitaries who were thrilled with various cultural dances
Some of the winners of the awards include Nigerian Tribune for the best editorial, channel television for the best television of the year and New Telegraph who carted away four awards, among others.

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