From Noah Ebije, Kaduna

Ahead of the November 11 governorship election in Kogi State, the crowd pulling candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Alhaji Muritala Yakubu Ajaka, popularly known as Muri has appealed to his counterpart in Accord Party, Retired Rear Admiral Jibril Oyibe Usman, alias Akpabana to step down for him for the larger interest of the people of the State.

Muri said he is not disputing the fact that the former Chief of Naval Staff is very qualified for the governorship race and has every right to contest, but noted that it is a, “tricky political time in which the losers will be those that refused to sacrifice their interests and align for the greater good of all the people and listen to the voices of our ancestors and the People”.

This was contained in a statement by the
Director of New Media, MuriSam Campaign Council, Isaiah Davis Ijele, made available to Daily Sun.

According to the statement, “With regard to the Kogi governorship election of November, Akpabana is an elder statesman, one who is very qualified for the position based on his antecedents and his role in Nigeria as the former Chief Of Naval Staff (CNS). Truly, the retired Admiral has every right to contest the position but we are in a tricky political time in which the losers will be those that refused to sacrifice their interests and align for the greater good and the winners of this contest will not be those that go to the polls but those that sacrifice their interests for the greater good of all.

“Retired Rear Admiral Usman Jibril is a respected son of the great Igala Kingdom. He has contributed immensely to the growth of the kingdom, security of the state, nation and Africa through military service. His record as one of the best service chiefs is in the open for everyone to see.

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“Elder Akpabana as he is popularly known is a man of deep wisdom and foresight. As a man who was in uniform, he was trained to bury any other interest that is comforting to choose the safety of this nation over his. Politically, this is another time for our father and leader Admiral Usman Jibril Rt to sacrifice his interest for the interest of the people that is manifested in Alhaji Murtala Yakubu Ajaka, his younger brother and Son of the SDP.

“By chance and according to the dictates of time, Muri is already endorsed by the ancestors and the people.

“The voices of our ancestors and the people are very loud in support of Alhaji Murtala Yakubu Ajaka. The crowd you’re seeing on the road and everywhere Muri visits are not just human made crowds but are symbols of our ancestors and the gods of the land who want a change for the betterment of Kogi State.

“Murtala Yakubu Ajaka is without any iota of doubt in my heart the next governor of kogi state but we must wake up to the fact that we need Akpabana with his military might and Strength to also lead from the front of the movement. The movement needs the foresight of selfless personalities like Akpabana, the people believe the Admiral will side with Muri’s supporters against their oppressors.

“Dear Akpabana, there is no better and more Honourable time for you to resubmit yourself to the service of the people by throwing your weight behind Muri Ajaka than now. This is also a perfect time for you to cement your name in the politics of the land, time and fate are giving you the opportunity to win without going to the polls or aligning with any other candidate than Muri.

“Akpabana, we urge you to heed to the voices of our ancestors and step down for Muri because he is the movement of the people by the people and for the people”.


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