Says it is a victory over backwardness

From Charity Nwakaudu, Abuja

Minster of Steel Development Prince Shuaibu Abubakar Audu has congratulated Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo, the Governor-elect of Kogi state as well as his deputy, Mr Joel Oyibo, for a well deserved electoral victory.

This is contained in a statement signed by him and made available to newsmen in Abuja.

The statement described it as a victory over division and backwardness as the people can proudly look forward to a more united and prosperous Kogi State.

“I am overwhelmed with joy that our party, the APC and candidate at the just concluded Gubernatorial elections were led into victory. You all did it and by doing that, you have created a historic moment for our dear state” Prince adds.

According to the statement, Prince Audu commended Governor Yahaya Bello for entrusting him with the responsibility of leading the campaigns as the Director General.

“With his inspiration, leadership, guidance and the indomitable confidence he instilled in us, it was unmistakably clear that victory was inevitable. I thank Your Excellency for this trust and confidence, We shall continue to file behind your commitment to the development of Kogi State,” he stated.

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“Our success was inspired by the contributions and cooperation of key party leaders. The Deputy Governor, our party Chairman, members of the Campaign Council and friends of our party (who even decamped from other parties) and are too numerous to mention. Your behind-the-scene support galvanised us into this huge success.” The Steel minister stresses.

“To all the members of the Campaign Council, I am eternally indebted to you for your tireless efforts, resilience and iron-cast belief in our Candidate”

“You toiled day and night to bring the success we celebrate today. Working with you was so easy as you made my task a seamless one with your commitment, creativity and irreplaceable belief in the capacity of the Governor-Elect to not only sustain the lofty legacies of our Governor, but also deepen and widen the gains of the past seven and a half years. The future holds a green promise for us all.”

“To the great people of Kogi State, I say a big thank you for thinking of a greater Kogi State where we see ourselves as one people united by destiny and put together by God for a purpose” he said.

The statement explains that It is not enough to have elected Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo but urges Kogites to support him to make him succeed.

“That we shall do with utmost patriotism and love for Kogi State. I have no doubt whatsoever that our Governor-Elect will be a huge success, having learnt the ropes from the Master, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello,” Prince Audu stresses.

The statement assured Kogites that Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo will not disappoint them.

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