Okey Sampson, Umuahia

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The father of a commissioner in Abia State Oil Producing Area Development Commissioner (ASOPADEC), Chief Henry Chilaka, Pa Chilaka is still being held captive by his abductors one week after he was taken from his home.
Pa Chilaka, 75, was kidnapped at his home in Ugwuati, the community of Obioma Nwankwo aka Osisikankwu at about 10pm and taken to an unknown destination.
After about 48 hours, the kidnappers were said to have contacted Pa Chilaka’s family members and demanded for N60m ransom.
The family members were reported to have agreed to part with N1.2m, but the kidnappers refused and instead reduced the amount to N50m.
When Pa Chilaka’s family insisted on the amount, the kidnappers were said to have further reduced the ransom to N40m and later N10m.
A source close to the family said family members are finding it difficult to raise the money and appealed to the kidnappers to release their patriarch.

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