Motswana and UK based singer. Lorraine Lionheart, who visited Nigeria during Felabration 2017 and recorded a song dedicated to Nigeria’s popular mode of transport, Keke Napep, has revealed that naughty thoughts inspired the song.

According to her, she was so fascinated by the machine that it immediately gave her inspiration for a song: “The song was written in less than 15 minutes. When sexuality is part of the inspiration, the creative juices flow smoothly. The song was inspired by naughty thoughts. ‘Keke Napep’ is sex on three wheels; I was surprised no one had written a song about it.”

“When you see couples on bicycles together and motorbikes, it can trigger a sexual thought in one. You wonder what sex will be like in a Keke Napep. I think it would make a very sexy romantic get -away ride. Sex in public is becoming a common fantasy and the thought alone can arouse more than sexual excitement.

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“The first time I saw the Keke Napep, I had peculiar thoughts and I knew the best release was to write a song about that unique experience and feeling.”

According to the singer, she is unapologetically authentic and doesn’t offer excuses for her actions.

“I am always genuinely me. I do not conform to any preconceived ideas and standards of how things should be. I remain truthful to myself and loyal to my authenticity. People can either like it or not. It is not arrogance either. I just feel it would be such a loss if I had to try and be someone else.”

Meanwhile, she also shot a video for the song which is due for release today, Friday, December 22.

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