From George Onyejiuwa, Owerri

The leadership of the Imo state chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, has admonished governor Hope Uzodimma to face governance rather than his continued blackmailing of Hon .Emeka Ihedioha and the party .

The PDP which dismissed the imagined falling out between Ihedioha and the party over his purported u- turn on Nnamdi Kanu’s re- arrest, has urged Imo people to disregard the latest stunt propaganda by the Imo state government.

The party said following the protracted insensitivity in the handling of the issues and affairs of the Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB) by the APC regime, that the PDP has deliberately refused to join issues on the lingering altercations between the APC and the IPOB and their Leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

However, the party noted the decision by the APC to now involve the Party in the debacle can only be a diversionary distraction designed by the APC to divert the attention of the masses, albeit temporarily, from focusing on the streak of failure of the APC.

In statement by Ogubundu Nwadike,Publicity Secretary on Monday which reads in part :” the attention of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Imo State has been drawn to a vexatious propaganda and blackmail article written by faceless authors, with the senseless title of: “Imo PDP Falls Out With Emeka Ihedioha Over U-turn On Nnamdi Kanu’s Re-arrest”. As a very responsible Party, we hereby very pointedly denounce the article and urge members of the public to disregard the clearly provocative propaganda and blackmail stunt by the failed All Progressives Congress (APC) regime and Governor Hope Uzodinma, its illegitimate agent in the State.”

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The statement further reads, ” Imo PDP is very much aware that its Leader in Imo State, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, CON has never had any relationship or dealings with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Talking about Ihedioha betraying Kanu is, therefore, an irresponsible propaganda and blackmail that failed on arrival. That makes insensible and meaningless the warped thought of “Imo PDP falls out with Emeka Ihedioha over U-turn on Nnamdi Kanu re-arrest”. There can’t be a U-turn when there was never a drive out.

Hence, the PDP vehemently asserts that because His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha never had any interest in Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and his IPOB, neither did he speak with anybody anywhere concerning Kanu in any ramification, there was no betrayal of Nnamdi Kanu by Emeka Ihedioha, and thus there is no fallout with Emeka Ihedioha by Imo PDP over a U-turn on Kanu’s re-arrest. Our Party concludes that such trite propaganda and blackmail is a waste of scarce resources of the idle minds that concocted such fictitious stories that are simply sourced from the figments of the malarial imagination of the lousy authors and their paymasters.”

This Party insists that the APC regime in Imo State is heavily bugged down with the strong strap of illegitimacy, as supported by the confessional by Governor Uzodinma, the illegitimate beneficiary of the Supreme Court’s controversial judgement on the Imo 2019 governorship election appeal, to having been declared governor via the obnoxious fraudulent Ben Johnson Way.

” We are aware of the lingering phobia the Uzodinma regime has been nursing and suffering for long, forcing it to unnecessarily always attack our great Party and our Leader in the State to divert Imo people’s attention and distract them from continually cataloguing his failure to deliver good leadership and good governance.

Imo PDP, therefore, once again cautions Governor Hope Uzodinma and the APC regime in the State to stop fabricating useless propaganda and blackmail against our Party and our Leader. We insist that no amount of diversionary distraction will subvert the wish and will of Imo people to stand with PDP at all times .”

This Party hereby reiterates its recognition, regard, and respect for His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, CON as Leader par excellence of our great Party in Imo State. There is no faceoff between him and the Party at all levels. Rather, his leadership of the Party has been so rewarding and progressive, reinforcing the recovered, reformed, rebranded and repositioned PDP. Therefore, let all propagandists and blackmailers and their paymasters beware, steer clear and desist from their useless assignments that does the State more harm than good.”

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