• N’East leaders fume over attack on Ribadu


From Fred Itua, Abuja

Supporters of Alhaji Aminu Bayero, deposed Emir of Kano, yesterday, took to major streets of the five emirates – Bichi, Rano, Karaye, Kano and Gaya – in protest.

Brandishing placards with various inscriptions, the protesters mounted anti-government slogans, set up bonfires on busy roads to demand reinstatement of the sacked emir.The angry mob accused the New Nigeria Peoples Party-led (NNPP) government of politicising the Emirship tussleBayero and four other emirs were sacked on Thursday after Governor Abba Yusuf assented to a new law that repealed the Emirate Council Law 2019.

Following the development, the emirs were given 48 hours to move out of their palaces.

Last Saturday, Governor Yusuf ordered the immediate arrest of Bayero, who was reportedly smuggled into Kano city on Friday night in an attempt to forcefully return to the palace two days after being deposed by the governor, for allegedly creating tension in the state.

Meanwhile, some eminent political leaders from the North East have warned those they described as ‘distractors’ to leave the National Security Adviser (NSA), Mallam Nuhu Ribadu out of the festering crisis in Kano State over the emirate stool.

The angry leaders said the planned move to implicate Ribadu in the unfolding crisis would be resisted. They warned that fingering Ribadu in the crisis would have serious consequences.

On Saturday, Kano State Deputy Governor, Aminu Abdussalam Gwarzo, blamed Ribadu for allegedly facilitating the return of the dethroned Emir, Alhaji Ado Bayero, to the palace.

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In a short video interview at the Emir’s palace in Gidan Rumfa on Saturday, he alleged that the NSA released two jets to bring Ado Bayero to Kano.

President, Movement for North East Organisation Forum, Alhaji Abdurahman Buba Kwaccham, who released a statement on behalf of other North East leaders, wondered why Ribadu would be dragged into a local matter that doesn’t pose any security threat to the country.

Kwaccham said Ribadu, who was appointed by Tinubu last year, has been busy with his daily task of keeping Nigeria safe, and advising President Bola Tinubu accordingly

He said dragging Ribadu in order to score cheap political points would not serve anyone any good, as he maintained that the North East would not stand idle, while Kano politicians talk carelessly.

Kwaccham called on the state governor, Abba Kabir Yusuf, to restore law and order in the state, even as he urged him to reconcile all feuding parties involved in the unfolding crisis.

“We’ve watched with dismay the unfolding crisis in Kano State, and plans by the local actors to drag the NSA, Ribadu, into the mess. Ribadu is the NSA, and appointing an Emir is not one of his responsibilities. Trying to paint a picture that’s not true will have consequences.

“What’s happening in Kano is a local matter that involves actors in the state. What is Ribadu’s business in that? Trying to score cheap political points will backfire. They should leave Ribadu alone to continue to discharge his duties.

“Since his appointment, Nigerians have seen the relative peace we’re enjoying. Kidnappings have reduced, and the insurgency is receding. We’re not out of the woods completely, but Nigeria has made some giant strides since President Tinubu appointed Ribadu.

“He’s focused on doing more and eliminating banditry and other forms of violent conflicts in Nigeria. Trying to distract him with some internal issues in Kano is not doing anyone any good.

“We call on the Kano State Governor and other leaders in the state not to ignite the fire they can not put out. Nigeria needs Ribadu, and they should allow him to focus on his core mandate,” Kwaccham stated.

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