From Sola Ojo, Kaduna

The Kaduna State Police Command on Thursday said it recovered two AK47 rifles loaded with 30 rounds of live ammunition each along Hukunyi – Danja road, a border community between Kaduna and Katsina States.

The Spokesman for the Command, DSP Muhammed Jalige in a statement said the suspects who had the rifles escaped into the forest on a motorbike.

According to him, on Monday, July 18, at about 10 pm, the Operatives of the Command while on routine patrol along a border between Kaduna and Katsina state sighted two persons riding a motorcycle in a very suspicious manner.

He added that the situation prompted the patrol team to give them a hot chase and on sensing danger, the suspected armed men ran into the nearby forest to evade arrest which led to their luggage falling off.

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“When that luggage was searched two AK47 rifles loaded with 30 rounds of live ammunition each were recovered.

“In a bid to ensure that the hoodlums are not given any room to operate, the patrol combed the entire area throughout the night to guarantee the safety of the road users and the adjoining communities.

“The Commissioner of Police on his part commended the Officers for their dedication to duty and charges them not to relent in ensuring his policing strategy is successful.

He also urged other Operatives to emulate the same to foster a new security dawn in the state just as he ordered that a vigorous manhunt of the hoodlums must continue with the aim of bringing them to book.

He assured the public that the Police will always be handy in response to their collective and individual distress situations as seek for their continuous cooperation”, Jalige’s statement read in part.

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