Okwe Obi, Abuja

Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) has urged its members not to take law into their hands by retaliating the recent attacks in some parts of Southern Kaduna in which three of its members were killed.
Its Director, Media and Publicity in Kaduna State, Bayero Zango, in a statement, yesterday, cautioned those he referred to as “criminal elements to desist” from their actions.
Zango said: “We condemn these unprovoked attacks by those Atyap criminal elements who are hell bent on sabotaging the peace processes in the area.
“All these attacks happened after the peace treaty was reached and signed by all the warring tribes of Hausa, Fulani and Atyap (Kataf) in a one-day summit on peace and reconciliation organised by the paramount traditional ruler of the chiefdom, Sir Dominic Gambo Yahaya on 22nd of August 2020.
“The Hausa and Fulani communities remained calm and law abiding but to our greatest surprise, some of those suspected Atyap (Kataf) criminals refused to respect the agreement that was reached and continued with their unprovoked attacks on the unsuspecting and innocent Fulani herdsmen.
“We are appealing to the perpetrators of these attacks to, in the interest peace, refrain from these breaches of the peace accord that was reached by respect their leaders and parents who are working day and night to restore peace, law and order in the area.

“We are calling on the security agencies and Kaduna State government to ensure that the perpetrators of these attacks are brought to book accordingly.
“We are appealing to our Fulani pastoralists to continue living in peace and be reporting any suspicious movement they may see to security agencies, as well as give maximum cooperation in order to restore lasting peace to the area.

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