From Molly Kilete, Abuja

Members of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) Monday stormed the headquarters of the Nigeria Police Force in Abuja to protest the disappearance of a Vanguard reporter. 

The missing reporter, Tordue Salem, a Tiv from Benue State, covered the House of Representatives until his reported disappearance on October 13.

NUJ Chairman Emmanuel Ogbeche in Abuja had earlier raised the alarm over Salem’s sudden disappearance and reported the matter to the police and the Department of State Services (DSS).

Twelve days into Salem’s disappearance, NUJ members led by the chairman stormed the Louis Edet House in protest.

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‘For all of us journalists in Abuja, we have been on edge these past few days over the mysterious disappearance of our colleague and friend, Mr Tordue Salem,’ a statement signed by the union’s chairman, Ogbeche, and Secretary Ochiaka Ugwu said.

‘It is worrying that an adult will simply vanish into thin air without a trace. This is unacceptable and we urge the police and DSS to rise up to the occasion and provide answers to this troubling situation.’

Force Public Relations officer, while sympathising with July and the family of Salem, assured that efforts are ongoing to locate Mr Salem, adding that the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Usman Baba Alkali, is interested in the case and see it to the end.

He commended the NUJ for their efforts at locating their missing colleagues, saying all hands are on deck to rescue Salem safe and unhurt.

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