From Jude Owuamanam, Jos

Jos Electricity Distribution Plc has promised to collaborate with the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, to enhance the potential of the institution.

Managing Director of the company, Engr Abdu Bello Mohammed, disclosed this on Thursday, during a courtesy visit on him at the corporate headquarters in Jos by the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Sani Usman Kunya.

Head, Corporate Communications, Dr. Friday Adakole Elijah, in a statement said that
Mohammed, who was excited by the visit of his alma mater said, “this visit alone will propel a number of interesting benefits between the two parties”.

While extolling the high quality of the university’s graduates over the years as he disclosed that their products dominates the Engineering sector in the country, Engr Mohammed said, “we are ready to make sure that we support ABTU in whatever way possible to making sure that at least you have adequate reliable and safe Electricity supply in both campuses”.

Engr Mohammed who proudly announced that he was both a student and lecturer in the University assured that he would personally ensure that whatever needed to be done would be done to support the new administration of the University which was established by Shehu Shagari’s regime to galvanise it to success.

He said there were so many areas of need that the electricity distribution company could intervene in order to help in stimulating the development of the varsity.

“We have so many other areas to collaborate not only in the areas of Electricity Distribution but also in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility and other areas that we can collaborate with the university as parts of contributions towards the development of the society “, he enthused.

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He thanked the Almighty Allah for making Professor Sani Usman Kunya the Acting Vice Chancellor at this auspicious time and prayed for his retention and sustainability.

Earlier, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Sani Usman Kunya said that the visit was aimed at creating a stronger platform of mutual co-operation between the university and the Jos Electricity Distribution Company.

He explained that the cordial Customer/Consumer relationship existing between the ATBU and JED Plc could better be cemented by physical contacts between the two management.

“We found it very eminent to take the lead in this regard and pay this visit that will form the nucleus of the new era in our mutual co-existence”, said the Vice Chancellor.

In view of the above, the Acting Vice Chancellor, on behalf of the management of the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, expressed the varsity’s profound gratitude to the attitude of Jos Electricity Distribution Plc in its expeditious response to their distress calls at all times.

“Anytime there is any distribution hitch that requires your organisation’s urgent attention, you have always been there for us”, he disclosed.

Nevertheless, the University Manager called on the management of Jos Electricity Distribution Plc to “further their commitments in factoring the ATBU into their top priority customers of which we are not in doubt at all”, even though he said “So far, your unblemished commitment to and response to our affairs is most commendable and well appreciated. We hope you will do more. And we are sure you will do more”.

He promised that on their part, ” we want to assure you that we are going to increase our commitment to making sure that we render our co-operation and commitment so that your company keeps afloat and renders better service to the this territory and by implication, the nation at large”.