From Desmond Mgboh, Kano

The Jigawa State Government has declared Wednesday, a work free day to mark the Hijrah 1445 (Islamic New Year).

In a dtatement by the Head of the Civil Service, Hussaini Ali Kila. The government urged civil servants and residents to use the day to pray for the State and the country at large.

“The period of the Islamic New Year should remind all people of the countless favours bestowed on them by the Almighty God” the statement read.

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“People should use the period to reflect and live their lives based on the teachings of Islam and practice of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

“During the occasion, it is expected that all public servants and the entire people of the State will also pray to Almighty Allah for continued protection and guidance of our leaders,” it said.

The government also congratulated Muslims around the world on the dawn of the new Islamic year (1445AH).

It will be recall that the Sultanate Council had declared Wednesday as 1st of MUHARRAM 1445H (19th July 2023).

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