By Christy Anyanwu

Harriet Edide is a native of Odi, Kolokuma/Opokuma LGA of Bayelsa State. She is a graduate of Philosophy from the prestigious Niger Delta University.


She is also a product of the Lagos Business School, a multiple-time beauty queen and multiple awards winning entrepreneur, as well as a national award.

Indeed, she was crowned Miss Bayelsa 2013, and Miss Niger-Delta 2014. 

Till date, she has remained a highly sort after personality for guidance and setting up of pageantries due to her organizational acumen.

She is the chief executive officer of the Finiee Brand and doubles as the managing director and creative director of Finiee Couture International; one of the most sort after luxury fashion lines in the Niger-Delta Region.

Under the Finiee Brand, Harriet also owns a shoe line “Finiee Feet”, which is tagged made in Bayelsa due to her originality and her poise in promoting indigenous identity. 

What ignited your passion to become a fashion entrepreneur?

From a young age, I was captivated by the world of fashion. Growing up, I spent countless hours sketching designs and experimenting with fabrics. My passion was further fueled by the desire to create unique, luxurious pieces that make people feel confident and beautiful. This drive to bring my vision to life and make a mark in the fashion industry led me to become a fashion entrepreneur and start Finiee Couture.

Were there objections from your close ones (parents, siblings, friends) when you mentioned your intention to become a fashion designer?

Initially, there were some concerns from my family and friends, especially my mom. They worried about the stability and challenges of the fashion industry. However, they soon recognized my unwavering passion and dedication. Their support grew as they saw my commitment and the progress I was making. Today, they are some of my biggest supporters, always cheering me on and believing in my vision.

Looking at your appearance, you stand out like a beauty queen and an entertainer. Did you have such dreams growing up?

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I was into pageantry. I was crowned Miss Bayelsa in 2013 and became Miss Niger Delta in 2014. While I always appreciated beauty and elegance, my dreams were always centered around fashion and design. I wanted to create art through clothing and bring joy to people through my designs. The glamorous aspect of the fashion world is certainly appealing, but my true passion lies in the creativity and craftsmanship behind each piece I design.

What are the gains and pains of being a beauty queen during your reign?

Being a beauty queen comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. On the positive side, it provides a platform to inspire and influence others, and it opens doors to numerous opportunities in various fields. However, it also comes with intense scrutiny and high expectations. Balancing public image with personal life can be demanding, but it also teaches resilience and poise.

What makes your fashion brand unique?

Finiee Couture stands out for its commitment to exceptional quality, exquisite craftsmanship, and innovative designs. Each piece is intentionally crafted to blend timeless elegance with contemporary flair. Our focus on luxurious fabrics, intricate details, and a perfect fit ensures that every client feels extraordinary. We also prioritize sustainability and ethical practices in our production processes, making our brand not only stylish but also responsible.

Why did you venture into the shoe-making business?

Venturing into the shoe-making business was a natural extension of my passion for fashion. I saw an opportunity to create footwear that complements our clothing line, offering our clients a complete luxurious fashion experience. Shoes are an essential part of one’s wardrobe, and I wanted to bring the same level of sophistication, comfort, and style to our shoe collections as we do with our clothing.

Take us into the journey of your Foundation and its success story?

The Harriet Edide Foundation was established to give back to the community and empower individuals through fashion and education. Our core focus is on girl child education, providing scholarships, vocational training, and resources. We will also cater to aspiring fashion designers and underprivileged youths. The Foundation is a testament to my commitment to fostering talent and making a positive impact.

How have you been handling fame as a person, in terms of your lifestyle and daily activities?

Handling fame requires maintaining a balance between public and private life. I prioritize staying grounded and true to my values. My daily activities involve a mix of creative work, managing business operations, and spending quality time with family and friends. I also make sure to take time for self-care and reflection. Fame can be overwhelming, but staying connected to my purpose and passion helps me navigate it gracefully.

What is your definition of a stylish woman?

A stylish woman is someone who exudes confidence and individuality through her fashion choices. She understands her unique sense of style and isn’t afraid to express it. For me, true style goes beyond trends; it’s about how one carries themselves, the elegance and poise they project, and the ability to make any outfit their own. A stylish woman is both timeless and effortlessly chic.

What’s your advice to young ladies who want to become successful fashion/beauty entrepreneurs?

My advice to young aspiring fashion and beauty entrepreneurs is to stay passionate and persistent. The journey can be challenging, but believing in your vision and working hard towards it is crucial. Stay curious, keep learning, and never be afraid to take risks. Surround yourself with supportive mentors and a strong network. Most importantly, stay true to yourself and your unique voice in the industry. Success comes from a combination of creativity, resilience, and unwavering dedication.

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