From Molly Kilete, Abuja



The Chief of Air Staff(CAS), Air Marshall Hassan Abubakar, has commended the Nigerian media for its continuous support to Nigerian Air Force(NAF), operations to rid the country of terrorists, bandits, kidnappers and other security challenges.

Abubakar, has also commended the media for living up to its expectations by denying terrorists and other criminal groups to use the media space to showcase their brutality on innocent citizens.

The CAS, made this known at a parley he held with some select media executives at the NAF headquarters in Abuja.

The NAF Chief, while noting that the meeting is part of activities lined up to mark the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the NAF, as well as strengthen the already existing relationship and better public understanding between NAF and the media, said it is also aimed at ensuring accurate reporting, and promoting a better understanding of NAF’s contributions to national security.

He said “The media is a very important and strategic partner and the NAF in particular, because of the importance of the media in determining the sucess or otherwise of our operation, that is why it is very important for us to continuously engage the media and make sure that we are all in tune so that these strategic effects that the media has on all our operations can be sustained.

“So I want to thank all of you because so far, the media has been a very good and strategic partner and you have done very well in the peaceful and strategic role in ensuring the success of our operations.

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“I think we have not had it otherwise because it can go either way, but we have had it in the positive side so we have every reason to thank you very much, we are very appreciative of that and we sincerely look forward to you continuously supporting us in that direction”. The NAF Chief said.

He said that the NAF which came into existence sixty years ago, had made tremendous contributions in securing the country and making it safe for all to live in.

He said that with the support of the present administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the NAF, has received eight new platforms to boosts its operations, while several pilots, technicians have been trained within and outside the country to man these platforms and ensure proper maintenance.

He further stated that within the last one year, the NAF, has boosted its manpower with the recruitment of 1,537, personnel comprising 237, officers and 1,300 Airmen and Airwomen for operational efficiency.

On the war against insurgency, the NAF Chief while noting that it is not the entire responsibility of the military, said that the NAF, has taken out most terrorists leaders and their foot soldiers, just as he pointed out that the NAF, is restrained in carrying out major attacks on major identified terrorists strongholds to avoid huge civilian casualties.

To ensure the operational capability of the NAF, Abubakar, said the service under his leadership is focused on Research and Development, Training, welfare among others for operational efficiency.