Celebrates Nigeria at 63, Nasarawa at 27

From Abel Leonard, Lafia

In a special radio and television broadcast on Sunday to mark Nigeria’s 63rd Independence Day and the 27th anniversary of Nasarawa State’s creation, His Excellency, Engr Abdullahi A Sule, the Executive Governor of Nasarawa State, expressed gratitude to the people of the state for reelecting him for a second term in office.

Governor Sule acknowledged the significant milestones achieved under his administration and extended his congratulations to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and all Nigerians on Nigeria’s Independence Day and the people of Nasarawa State on the state’s creation anniversary.

Reflecting on the sacrifices made by the state’s founding fathers, Governor Sule emphasized the importance of continued progress and development in honor of their legacy.

Governor Sule outlined several key achievements, recognizing the importance of security, saying his administration has collaborated with security agencies to ensure the safety of lives and property within the state.

In Economic Development, Sule said an Investment Summit held in 2022 attracted various investors to Nasarawa State, particularly in agriculture and solid minerals, with discussions underway to establish industries for the exploration and processing of resources.

in terms of Infrastructure, the governor said numerous road construction and rehabilitation projects have been undertaken, enhancing connectivity within the state. Additionally, urban and rural roads have been constructed to promote development in all regions.

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In health, he said the Nasarawa State Health Insurance Agency (NSHIA) was established to provide accessible and affordable healthcare services. Significant improvements have been made in healthcare infrastructure, including the completion of the Nasarawa State Infectious Disease Diagnosis and Research Centre.

“Efforts have been made to enhance the educational sector with the construction and rehabilitation of classroom blocks, employment of teachers, and the establishment of new faculties in the Nasarawa State University”

He further said the state’s agricultural sector has attracted investment, and initiatives like the distribution of fertilizers and farm inputs have been implemented to boost agricultural production and food security.

Interms of Empowerment, the governor noted that various empowerment initiatives, such as the Nasarawa State Cash Transfer Scheme, have been introduced to alleviate poverty and improve the living conditions of the vulnerable.

“Investments have been made in power infrastructure, modern markets, and public transportation facilities.”

Governor Sule also expressed his commitment to maintaining a harmonious relationship among the three arms of government and the importance of working together for the progress and development of Nasarawa State.

Governor Sule reiterated his dedication to serving the state sincerely and transparently, pledging to continue to pursue policies and programs that align with the aspirations of the people of Nasarawa State. He extended warm wishes for a joyful celebration of Nasarawa at 27 and Nigeria at 63.

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