By Wilfred Eya

Dr. Nath. Uba C is the former governorship candidate of the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) in Imo State. In this interview, he spoke on whey Governor Hope Uzodimma should be given a second term in office.

You have been an advocate of Gov. Hope Uzodinma’s second term bid, please, what are your convictions that he is going to win?

First of all let’s look at what conviction is in this context. It means my very strong belief that is not likely to change or my strong feelings that my belief about the governor is/are right. Look at it in that context. I have very deep feelings based on evidential proofs by the way and manner the governor had carried on irrespective of insecurity challenges and the Covid-19 problems that greeted his ascendance to power. As a financial guru and someone living in the most advanced economies of the world, the United States of America, I can authoritatively tell you that no government passed through the pandemic with ease and for Gov. Uzodinma to be bedeviled with the pandemic and insecurity and today he could be rated as a leader in a leading political party and have achieved milestones, I am convinced and believe that Imolites will re-elect him for another term. Again, from the way he maneuvered the challenges mentioned above with his team shows he can do better. Remember the reward for good work is more work. He has done very very well in Imo State.

Please, in few seconds, tell us some of Uzodimma achievements?

The Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodinma’s achievement cannot be a thing to be explained in few seconds. However, below are my responses on that viz:


Governor Uzodinma in his quest to securing the lives and properties of Imolites launched the Operation Search And Flush, an outfit which guaranteed a 24/7 surveillance on all the nooks and crannies of Imo State. This is by combined team of security agencies.

Governor Uzodimma’s administration provided 100 brand new pickup security vehicles with modern state of the art communication gadgets to do the job of security in the state. And this is exactly what I intended doing if I was elected and since he is doing just that which I was interested in doing in security, I therefore, support him, also willing to support him with additional equipment.

For your information, the governor deployed these to all the numerous LGAs which are 27 in number.

The governor also proffered a toll free call centre, that were linked to the security vehicles, which serve purely for communication between the public and the team of security personnel. That very whole arrangement and/or measure has paid off as crimes such as armed robbery, thuggery, cult activities and kidnapping have drastically nose dived to the barest form. To buttress this, the Christmas season and the Election period witnessed unbroken peace.

Furthermore, Governor Uzodimma made possible the putting in place of community policing to ensuring that a peaceful and joyous environment and/or atmosphere in the rural areas are restored and achieved. The move symbolized a cute working force from the over 600 autonomous communities. This is really helping and aiding to identity the bad eggs and hoodlums that indulge in threatening the lives of the citizens, most especially our aged citizens in their various homes and their communities.

The shared prosperity government of Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma organises the Imo State Security Summit from time to time which includes the Inspector General of Police and other security chiefs like the DSS, the military and civil defence corps in attendance, to synergize the sense of belonging between Imo citizens, residents and security agencies.


In the area of industry and commercial production, the government of Gov. Uzodimma has recovered the popular Ada Palm Plantation in Ohaji which was one of the things created by the government of late Chief Sam Mbakwe. The shoe factory that was built by the late Sam Mbakwe administration was owing a whopping N1.3 billion to the Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) but the shared prosperity government of Uzodinma administration has redeemed that debt and it will soon commence work and would enhance employment and capital growth of the state.

So, the governor and his team has generally speaking, changed the narratives in the state looking at what it was before he assumed responsibility. Indeed Imo people are looking up as they can see clearly that this government has come to work by engaging in durable projects and not make-shift kind of projects as witnessed with other administrations.


The greatest signature projects I think that are very laudable are those of Owerri-Orlu road that is about 34 kilometres and the Owerri-Okigwe road that is about 54 kilometres. These two projects alone cost the government of Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma about N60 billion and I will tell you that when they are fully completed and commissioned for public usage, the evacuation of farm products from our rural areas would be easier now and the economy of the state is gradually turning around for the best.

Loan management:

Rather than take loans, I can tell you that the government has improved on the Internally Generated Revenue of the state; the loan profile of the state has been dropping since Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodimma administration came on board. It is pertinent to note that in 2017, during the Rochas Okorocha administration, the debt profile of Imo State was N67 billion; in 2019, during Emeka Ihedioha’s government, it went up to N164 billion but in 2021, the last figure, under the present government, it has come down to N151 billion. This you can verify these figures from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). We have not taken any loan rather we have been servicing loans taken by previous administrations. And it has continued to nose dive. This is again what I planned to do having got versed experience from the financial and banking industry over the years.


The government has instituted two more universities. The K.O Mbadiwe University Ideato and the University of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Umuagwo. The state College of Education at Ihitte Uboma and the Imo State Polytechnic now at Omuma all now doing well. Students enrollment have grown steadily.

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You’re a former PRP guber Candidate in 2019 that contested against Uzodimma, why the sudden change?

You see I am a democrat. I believe in superior argument. In the USA, people play ideological politics. Over here in our country, it’s about interest. And that interest is further watered down to personal aggrandisement. I believe in social and community good as a reason for seeking public office, if an opponent wins you and bring to fore that which you have in mind, you should support him or her. This is why we are here talking about Uzodimma. Simply put, he met some of my aspirations in first tenure and so, I am working with my team for him to win the second term. I have formed serious minded women and youth groups both in Diaspora and here in Imo State.

Under the atmosphere of insecurity in Imo State today, why still prefer Uzodimma over your party or other party candidates?

Security is everybody’s affairs. Though the constitution says the role of safeguarding of lives and properties is that of the government but citizens have roles to play. Gov Uzodimma have done well in securing and fighting for the public good for our people in the area of security. I just mentioned it in the achievements. On why I still chose to be with him is because he has everything to leverage upon. He is in the ruling party. He has got the experience. We may not gain much supporting a new person. Looking at the other parties candidates, they are all novices in state administration. Yes some of them may have been in the Senate but Senate or National Assembly is a different ball game. My feelings are in Uzodimma. IMO State needs unbroken administration.

You claimed in your last press release that voting Hope for the second time means more hopes for Imo people. How?

Simple, his achievements will double. And when that happens it becomes more hopes. Have you heard of the book “Oliver Twist” and his needs for some more? That is how it is. Certainly, Hope Uzodimma’s second term is more hopes.

Why do you choose to support APC as a party instead of your party?

It is not about APC as a party, it is about the individual. Gov. Hope Uzodimma is the answer

Politics and politicking is about who forms the best conspiracy theories and cycles to cling to power and share the state resources. To a large extent, it is working here. I want to participate in proffering better life and good living for my people. So, APC is the vehicle, but Gov. Uzodimma is the driver.

Some people said having Hope for another 4yrs means more years of disaster, do you believe that, if not why?

Those are opinions and everyone is entitled to his own or her own opinion. But let such people show you evidential proofs from National Bureau of Statistics, figures that point to their claims. Of course, opposition people can say that but ask for their evidence.

Buhari in one of his messages said he delivered all his promises, do you believe him?

There is always room for improvement.

The Buhari government has done so well as every leader has his ups and downs. Nobody is perfect but in comparison in my own opinion, Buhari’s administration has achieved a lot and also has brought some values to our nation no matter how bad some people may criticize him. It is always a continuous government and there are rooms for improvement.

These and more made me to begin to support the government of Sen Hope Uzodinma. I challenge anyone to produce one single document of the previous administration where it showcased its report card to the people of the State government.

What should people know about you?

My names are Dr. Nath. Uba C. Uba

I am from Ezeoke Nsu in Ehime Mbano LGA, Okigwe Zone.

I live in United State of America, married to a very beautiful lady also from Ehime Mbano and God blessed us with four beautiful children.

I studied Accountancy from Yaba College of Technology, Business Administration from University of Lagos and my Doctoral degree from JK University, Houston Texas. A former UBA PLC manager, Health and Human Services Agent, a business guru, an Insurance and Investment Analyst, and also in construction management.

I am the former PRP governorship candidate in 2019 and Senatorial candidate under AAC in 2020.

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