Enthusiastic students of Ignatius Ajuru University have expressed their heartfelt appreciation to Hamrex Properties for the remarkable gifts, scholarships, and land awarded to several of their colleagues during a campus event held yesterday.

The event, which took place on the university campus, saw numerous students honored with scholarships and gifted with plots of land. This initiative by Hamrex Properties is part of their ongoing commitment to supporting education and empowering the youth in the community.

Students lauded the company for their generosity and dedication to fostering academic excellence and providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. The beneficiaries of the scholarships and land donations were elated and expressed their gratitude for the life-changing support.

One of the scholarship recipients, Jane Doe, a third-year Business Administration student, shared her excitement: “This scholarship means the world to me and my family. It will ease the financial burden and allow me to focus on my studies. I am incredibly grateful to Hamrex Properties for this opportunity.”

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The management of Hamrex Properties reiterated its commitment to supporting education and community development.


“We believe in the power of education and the importance of giving back to the community. By providing these scholarships and properties, we hope to inspire and enable the students of Ignatius Ajuru University to achieve their full potential,” said Amadi Harry Excellent, CEO of Hamrex Properties.

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