…Tasks churches preach against act as Anglican diocese ends synod


From David Onwuchekwa, Nnewi

Anambra State Governor Chukwuma Soludo decried the widespread exhibition of idolatry, which he said had taken over Igboland and become a common phenomenon among the youths.

Speaking at the Sixth Synod The sixth synod of the Diocese, Amichi Anglican Communion with the theme: “Idolatry: Causes, Consequences, And Cure” drawn from Exodus chapter 32, the Governor who was represented by the Deputy Governor, Dr Onyekachukwu Ibezim, congratulated Bishop Ikeakor on the success of the synod and his careful selection of the theme which he described as apt.

He said the non-state actors otherwise called unknown gunmen, though he said they were known, had demonstrated high level of enthusiasm in idol worshipping.

He explained that this was observed each time security operatives attacked and arrested the hoodlums at their hideouts where charms of various kinds were always recovered and destroyed after the attack.

The Governor insisted that the theme of the synod should be the focal point of other churches in the state to tackle idolatry.

He said that mothers should advise their children to stay away from idols to live a useful life. He said that churches should as well join the war against idol worshipping among the youths.

The synod wich lasted three days, was held at Immanuel Anglican Church, Ekwulumili, Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Bishop of the Diocese, His Lordship, Rt Revd Ephraim Ikeakor, at the event presented a success story of the Diocese in every department and still spared time for state of the nation where he ex-rayed and dissected Nigeria as a nation and Anambra his home state.

His Lordship described Nigeria as one of the countries in the world that God blessed with so much human and material resources.

He regretted, however, that the greatest problem of the Nigerian nation is leadership. He noted that the rulers who feigned as leaders had continued to ruin the nation, and her citizens.

His words: “Looking at the stand of things in Nigeria, no sincere and sane person will deny the obvious fact that we don’t have leaders in Nigeria. In place of leaders, we have articulated bundle of selfish, wicked, insensitive, and conscienceless businessmen and women masquerading as politicians and leaders who feed fat on the woes, pains, groans and humiliations of the helpless citizens.

“Is it not abysmally unthinkable and shameful that after sixty-four years of existence as an independent nation, Nigeria cannot have functional refineries? The hardship and strangulating pains that the removal of oil subsidy without institutional cushioning plan, and platforms have put Nigerians into have become glaringly unbearable. Over 300% hike in electricity tariff, with no electricity still remains an inexplicable puzzle. In which part of the world, except Nigeria, do citizens pay for the services they were not provided?

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“It is only in Nigeria that politicians make citizens to celebrate road construction as a great achievement. Government at all levels exists to provide basic amenities for her citizens. Nigeria remains the world’s largest importer of power generating sets. The economy of Nigeria is heading to total collapse. The education sector of Nigeria is in shambles. It is only in Nigeria that kidnappers will be using cell phone to negotiate for ransom with the families of their victims, and our security agencies have nothing to offer as solution.

“Nigerians are bleeding heavily. The level of brain drain Nigeria is experiencing currently is a sign of a nation going into extinction. Why can’t the present administration concentrate on fixing the already dilapidated road infrastructure all over the nation, instead of embarking on some white elephant projects like the Lagos-Calabar coastal highway?

“Just to further substantiate the insensitivity of leaders and leadership, the Federal Government with the approval of the National Assembly announced that they have budgeted N869billion to conduct 2024 national census. Of what economic, security, infrastructural development use is this census to an average Nigerian? What is so exciting about counting poverty stricken, and hunger devouring populace?

“To my mind, what Nigerians need urgently and acutely are: poverty and hunger eradication; eradication of insecurity, banditry and terrorism; effective, affordable, and easily accessible health care.

“Others are functional, impactful, purpose-driven and well-equipped education system and education institutions; readily available petrol and diesel at a cost that does not give high blood pressure to Nigerians.

“Nigerians are hungry; Nigerians have been subjugated by her rulers. Currently, Nigerian is like a rudderless ship in the midst of a high sea. Our politicians have intentionally weaponized poverty against Nigerians. An average Nigerian is only thinking of survival instead of thinking of advancement, development, and fulfillment.

“It is time that the Nigerian populace brace up and brave up to hold her rulers accountable and responsible. Palliative giving is not an acceptable economic programme for lifting citizens out of poverty and hopelessness.

“The government should forget this baseless and gainless proposal for census, and use the money to give meaningful and realistic minimum wage to her dying civil and public servants. Let me remind our politicians and rulers that they can hold the people down for some time, but they cannot hold the people down forever. Nigeria is collapsing, Nigerians are bleeding. Our youths are not just travelling out, they are fleeing from the country. A stitch in time, they say, saves nine.”

On Anambra scene, Bishop Ikeakor commended Governor Charles Soludo for what he noted as various road projects he had embarked on including the flyover construction at Ekwulobia.

He said that singular project would be a great game changer in the movement of vehicles, people and goods.

The Bishop, however, called the attention of the Governor to the fact that security still remained a very critical challenge in Anambra state. He said the issue of kidnapping was rearing its ugly head on a daily basis in various parts of the state.

He cited places like Ukpo-Ukwulu axis which he said needed very urgent security attention, adding that Uga-Amesi-Umuchu-Umunze road had become kidnappers’ feasting avenue without confrontation.

“Awka capital city and its environs are not spared either. We appeal to our able governor to raise the bar of security higher than what it is currently in Anambra State.

Other dignitaries at the event were Igwe Kenneth Orizu III, Igwe Nnewi; Igwe Col Onebunne, Igwe Akwaihedi; Anambra state Commissioner for Environment, Hon Felix Odumegwu; Archbishop Alexander Ibezim, of Awka Diocese; Bishop Obiorah Uzochukwu, Mbamili; Archbishop Godwin Okpala; Bishop Joseph Moses, Ida Diocese; Bishop Samuel Ezeofor of Aguata Diocese; Rt Revd Prof Isreal Okoye of Ihiala Diocese, among others.

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