“Tobs, why have you been avoiding me?” Rick asked quietly. I avoided his eyes, thinking of how I will talk myself out of a potentially dangerous situation. “Avoiding you, why would I do that? I have been busy that’s all,” I said breathlessly.

“I looked up just to ascertain his position and was shocked to see him standing close to me. I took a step back, trying to feel the door, almost tripping in the process and ending up in his arms. This was not good at all or am I kidding myself? Rick held me close, breathing into my hair as I closed my eyes, trying to still my erratic heart. “Tobs, Tobs,” I heard Jasmine calling from outside.

“Yes, Jasmine I am in here,” I responded in a strangled voice. “Saved by the bell,” he said mockingly, letting me go. I rushed out breathless, grateful for the intervention.

“Tobs, are you ok? Why are you panting? Did I interrupt anything?” Jasmine asked looking over my dishevelled appearance and giving me a sly look. “I am ready to leave now, are you girls ready?” I asked trying not to look discomfited.

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“What! I am just getting my groove on and more over there is this hot bloke (said with a British accent) I have been eyeing all evening but there is a girl clinging to him for dear life,” she said darkly. Hot guy in the house? Jasmine never misses a chance to meet such. It was going to be a herculean task dragging Jasmine away from this party but I was done. Anyway who says the girls must come with me? I can imagine Zara, rolling her eyes and saying they are all grown ass women and didn’t need to be chaperoned.

I went to see our Chief Hostess for the evening to bid her goodnight. Rick’s Grandmother never seizes to amaze me with her regal and quintessential look. “Isn’t she beautiful? She’s quite the looker, wouldn’t you agree?” She said referring to me and sounding like a dowager from an Aristocratic British family. I smiled politely at her guests as she proudly introduced me around, politely requested permission to take my leave when she was done. She agreed reluctantly after I promised to have tea with her sometime during the week. Thankfully I left without incident insisting the girls should stay back and have fun. Kaycee was the only one who insisted on leaving same time. I called a cab as I came in Jasmine’s car and didn’t want to bother her. We stood on the front porch soaking in the fresh evening air, appreciating nature.

“Tobs, how was Domestic Violence Anonymous (DVA)? This is a (support Group I run for Women, Men and Children going through domestic abuse; with special bias for Women!) I have been thinking, Warien Rose Foundation really needs sponsors. I always wonder how you cope, you do so much for these Women” Kaycee said smiling wonderingly. DVA took place on the last Monday of the month as we have been having it since 2014. Finance is a concern as many Companies no longer do Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in its true sense; nepotism is the order of the day.

“Our cab is here” Kaycee said, jolting me back to the present as she pointed at the Taxi ferrying down the driveway. It is important we have men at those Meetings; we usually have a handful but mostly the ones who are also going through traumatic experiences. The ones that need to hear what we had to say who disenfranchise women by objectifying us and making us look like we have no brains do not show up. Women are beautiful, bold, brave, and brilliant, it’s just not about the ‘other room! My blood boils when I remember that statement. I can’t stand sexist men but the world is full of them unfortunately. Ladies have to work twice as hard to show we are deserving.

“Hey Ladies what’s the hurry?” Rick asked from behind us. Oh my goodness, I thought we would have been out of here before he knew we were gone. What now? Rick paid off the cab man and insisted on dropping us home, first Kaycee then of course me. I didn’t feel like having any serious conversation with Rick but I didn’t have a choice. After dropping off Kaycee, Rick shockingly said nothing till we got to my place. As he turned round to open the door for me, he must have seen the confusion on my face. Why did he not say anything? I was expecting him to harangue me but he did no such thing. “What is it Kitten? He whispered huskily in my ears. “Do you miss me already, should I come in and we continue where we left off?” He asked seductively.          

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