It’s no surprise that television viewing figures during the COVID-19 lockdown have gone through the roof. According to viewer data analysts TVision, daytime viewing has increased by a staggering 77%. Riding high on this wave of popularity are real estate reality shows.
“Right now, real estate inventory levels are low and housing prices high,” says Matt Proman, CEO of the real estate auction site “It’s a seller’s market, but even so, a seller can still get caught up with the wrong real estate agent, and this can cost them time and money,” he adds.
“In today’s day and age, you can Google almost anything. Homeowners now have access to a ton of insider agent information, but not coming from the real estate world, they still make mistakes,” notes Proman. “Sellers have to select the right agent, and the way to achieve this is through” A lofty boast for sure, but one Proman and his business partner, real estate reality TV star Josh Altman, say they can back up with real results.
Most people choose a seller based on convenience. Either they have acted on a friend’s recommendation, seen a realtor board on a neighborhood property, or chosen someone operating from a local office. In a perfect world, that’s great. “But that doesn’t mean the realtor has the resources, network, or motivation to be the best fit. Your property is your biggest asset, and you’re placing it in their hands. You need to be sure the agent you choose is going to take it seriously,” advises Matt Proman.
BidMyListing is an online platform that brings sellers and real estate agents together. It’s easy to use, but that’s where the similarity with other online sites end.

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Unique Real Estate Platform
Once a seller lists their home on the site, it can be viewed by a large number of highly motivated real estate agents. Those agents then participate in an online auction, each one bidding on the exclusive right to sell the listed property.

“Both sides rack up a win on BidMyListing,” declares Proman. “And unique to our site, the seller is paid for their listing. In addition to this, and something that is even more important, is they get a highly motivated estate agent with skin in the game. An agent will often bid, knowing they have a qualified buyer already in the pipeline or at the very least a list of clients looking for property in a specific area. Either way, having paid a fee to sell the property, the seller is guaranteed the best shot at acquiring a quick and profitable turnaround.”
“The process may, at first, sound loaded in the seller’s favor,” explains Matt Proman, “but BidMyListing allows estate agents to scale their business and control their marketing budgets. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.”

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