“Dear Prof. Thanks a lot for the oil you sent to me. The demonic noise that usually kept me awake all through the night for over 14 years has stopped. I am very free now. When I applied the oil and anointed my business premises, those demonic powers that have hindered my business all vanished. Today my business has bounced back. I now sale very well. God has started showing me his favour through the anointing oil and the prayers associated with it. Thanks and may God bless you…” Mr. Colins [email protected]

“Dear Prof, I am most grateful to God for sending you to our generation. My elder sister’s daughter was missing for over four years without any trace. We all thought that she was dead but when we contacted you, you gave us a spiritual instruction to carry out on her behalf, to the glory of God, she surfaced after that though with madness. Prof to the glory of God when we bought your anointing oil as you instructed us for the second time, we anointed her with it for seven days, she became healed. The evil spirit of madness left her. Today she is very normal and serving God with us. Keep up the good work” E-mail [email protected]

“Witches and Wizards have been the major cause of my failure and near success syndrome for more than eleven years now.  I have passed through life in hell without any solution from anywhere. I became the laughing stock in my community. Any contract that I tendered my quotation like others, mine was thrown away for no good reason even when my company is most qualified for the job. All these started when I challenged (the evil people in my village) them openly in my community. No prayer worked for me until I contacted you and ordered your oil which you recommended after you had investigated my case. I did as you strictly instructed me and I noticed a dramatic shift from what I use to see. I started doing good jobs again as one of their leaders, I mean, the evil witches confessed after I had anointed our village meeting point. Things happened by the grace of God. I am most grateful to God for using you to open my ways once again…” Mr. Emma. Email [email protected]  

“The truth of the matter is that God used you to change things in my life after many years of bondage. My elder sister sponsored my trip to abroad and before I left, my wife brought a prophet who came to the house to pray for us and he prophesied that my elder sister dedicated the money with which she sponsored my trip to a satanic kingdom. We were all exasperated with the prophet and never listened to him again. When I finally travelled and God started blessing me, all the money I made was sent to my elder sister under hypnotism and spell. My children were thrown out of school for not paying school fees. The voice of my wife on phone was like the voice of an evil person whenever she called me. The story is too long… but the truth being that my elder sister used charms to divert my mind and used my hard earned money to train her own children and built best houses here and there. My lovely wife and children went through hell; she has been reading your column and when she contacted you, she was told to order your oil and prayed with it, she did, and after her prayer, I was brought home after 12 years of staying away.  When my elder sister saw me she never believed it but my wife then ordered more of the oil and prayed for me the second time according to your instruction; it became like thunder. My elder sister started confessing all that she did and asked us to forgive her. No kobo was kept for me, nothing to show for all the hundreds of millions in her custody. After the second prayer with three bottles of your oil, she confessed and confirmed what that prophet said 12 years ago about her. The good side of it is that I am travelling with my family this time around, the prayer made a away for us all. Keep up the good work…God bless you sir. Mr. Joe N. K.  (Contact withheld). 

Some people come from different realms of life. Some come from serpent world, few from the water while others come from dry land. If you are from the realm of serpent and gets married to someone from the same realm, it becomes obvious that both of you are married to your brother and sister. If you get married to your sister, it will manifest success and suffering will be far from you. Abraham married her sister consequent upon the fact that they came from the same spiritual location. Speaking from the spiritual point of view, if one marries anyone that is of the same spiritual “Local Government Area,” the one becomes he that finds a wife. The

Bible concludes, “He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord” Proverbs 18:22.

Marriage should go with favor. If you find your sister (your true missing bone), you must find favor in no small way. Yes, if you get married to your true spiritual sister or brother, you will manifest a high degree of success and divine blessings in the physical world. You share your destinies and enjoy life bereft of sufferings. Someone told me that after their marriage and subsequent wedding that the moment the wife is happy, good things will be coming their way but the moment the wife is unhappy, the spirit of lack and penury will begin to manifest in their house.

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Bear in mind that your spouse is a being coming from somewhere that is either good or bad. He or she is a carrier of what is either good or bad and the role you will play will either assist in the manifestation of whatever is associated with him or her. Let me explain this with a recent investigation I did in a particular family. I received a call from a man who consequently informed me that he has passed through life in penury as a result of constant misunderstanding he was having with his wife. The wife will curse and abuse him in a way that exasperated the man, any time something good was coming, they will have a problem and the result will be failure and near success syndrome.

This has continued to the extent that his wife started pitying him as a result of the degree of suffering in the family. The man contacted me and when I investigated the matter, I discovered that when the woman was coming into the material world, she stepped her feet on gold and mud. The gold signified riches and wealth while the mud represents suffering. I also discovered that for the riches she came into the world to manifest, whoever marries her must make her constantly happy. On the other hand, if she is made unhappy by her husband, the man’s eyes will see his ears without mirror via suffering. The woman’s inner spiritual condition will determine the man’s physical experiences in the world of matter, energy, space and time. When this was discovered, the man was bamboozled and adjusted his ways and made peace with his wife and the testimony is yet to be published.    

Let me briefly clarify an important issue here. Before we came into this form of manifestation, we were something else; of course not human beings but pure spirits. We were in the eternal abode of the divine carrying our previous burdens according to the universal law of sowing and reaping. Before we were launched into this sphere of consciousness certain things which we know not now were known by us in that form and culture of existence. When we arrived here we forgot them and today ignorance subsists. There is a process of recalling such things and it must be made known to humanity via advanced teachings of the Holy Spirit which may not be in conformity and tandem with our conventional theology and creed.

Permit me to state here that before the earth was formed we all lived with God. He wants us to be like him by learning through experiences. Man is a pure spirit on a material journey and not humans on spiritual voyage. The Bible says, “Then shall the dust return to earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Ecclesiastes 12:7. Before mortal or corporeal conception, our spirits were one with him and at extinction, it returns to God. This information is further authenticated by Apostle Paul thus, “Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh…” 11 Corinth. 5:16.

The above biblical assertion proves the very fact that we are not exactly this material body but pure spirits. When Abraham was saying that Sarah was her sister, he was telling us that Sarah is not the physical being but a pure spirit and both of them were of the same inter-planetary parents. Man should not deceive himself in thinking that the unit of the physical self- the flesh, is his core identity of himself, no; he is beyond what is expected in physical terms.

The point here is that we are pure spirits and must be allowed to operate in like manner in order to be able to access the unity in the mystery of human success. If anyone as a pure spirit that came from the pure and holy realm marries someone that is not of the same realm or spiritual consciousness with him or her, then something strange can occur. It may lead to untimely death or suffering and or unexplainable penury and lack.   

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