

Common names: Stone breaker, soldier’s woundwort, bloodwort, poor man’s quinine, ite-kwo-nwanazu (Igbo), eyinbisowo (Yoruba).

Yarrow is a common annual weed that does not grow more than 30-60 cm high. The leaves are small, simple, numerous and oblong. Sometimes, there are about 15-30 leaves arranged alternately in two rows along a 6 cm to 12 cm angular branch. When the plant is picked, the leaves fold-in completely, closing themselves as though taking a praying position.

The herb is found in many parts of the world and is reported as a weed in maize, sugarcane and rice plantations. It grows widely and can be found also in fallow lands, roadsides, and river banks, near lakes, valleys, abandoned fields, gardens and uncompleted buildings.

Parts used: whole plant 

Legend has it that during the Trojan War, Achilles stopped the bleeding of his fellow soldiers’ wounds by applying the yarrow’s leaf. Scientists have discovered that the soldier’s myth may have been right. Yarrow contains substances that may help stop bleeding and have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties potentially helpful in wound treatment.

Other physicians like Dioscorides recommended rubbing the crushed plants on wounds. The plant’s many popular names – nose bleed, soldier’s woundwort and bloodwort attest to its use as a blood stopper since ancient times. 

Herbalist John Gerard recommended yarrow for “swellings….of the private parts”. Another contemporary of John’s, John Parkinson advised “If it be put into the nose, assuredly it will stop the bleeding of it”. And Nicholas Culpeper wrote: “an ointment of the leaves cures wounds…. restrains violent bleedings….is good for inflammations and ulcers….and is excellent for the piles (hemorrhoids)”.

Yarrow, no doubt contains many chemicals that support its traditional use in wound treatment. Achilletin and achilleine are properties that spur blood circulation. Several others like – azulene, eugenol, menthol, camphor, chamazulene, quercetin, rutin and salicylic acid have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving action. Its antiseptic properties are due to the presence of tannins, terpenoil and cineol.

For wound treatment, press fresh leaves into cuts and scrapes. To promote healing apply the compress made from the leaves externally to clean wounds and inflammations.

In addition to the wound-healing and pain-relieving effects of yarrow, the herb is also very useful in the following areas:

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Kidney problems– Yarrow is called “stone breaker” and so it is believed to have a powerful effect on kidney and gallstones. Many researchers have attested to its efficacy for kidney stones. A German medical physician, Dr Wolfram believes that this plant provides a permanent cure for gallstones and kidney stones. In Brazil, tea made with the whole plant is used in the treatment of painful kidneys. In Indonesia, the primary use of yarrow is in the treatment of kidney stones.

Liver problems– yarrow is also very useful for many liver maladies. It fortifies and re-invigorates the liver; stimulates and increases the production of bile in the body. It is indeed a powerful immune system stimulator. Animal studies have shown that yarrow protects the liver from toxic chemical damage. And scientifically conducted research in India showed yarrow helps treat hepatitis. A boiled tea of the fresh or dried leaves taken 2 to 3 times daily for two months will help bring relief to a sick liver.

Hypertension– the hypotensive effects of the herb have been attributed to geranin. Powdered leaf of yarrow has shown to reduce systolic blood pressure; and increase in urine volume significantly.

Allergy– certain biochemical reactions in the body that result from an allergy are said to be stopped by yarrow. It retards the leakage of fluid from capillaries that can be induced by histamine. You can try one to two cups of an infusion of the leaves in an empty stomach for at least two weeks.

Indigestion– yarrow contains chemical properties that help relax the smooth muscle tissue of the digestive tract, making it an antispasmodic.

Sleeplessness: yarrow also contains a small amount of a hypnotic chemical, thujone which accounts for its traditional use as a sedative. For a possible tranquilizing infusion, use 1-2 teaspoons of dried herb per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10-15 minutes and drink up to 3 cups a day.

Poor circulation: certain terpenes found in yarrow are thought to improve circulation in the brain and other parts of the body. They bring oxygen to the tissues and enhance the absorption of glucose by the body tissues. These terpenes also protect nerve cells from damage during even brief periods of oxygen deprivation that can lead to stroke. Using yarrow as tea may help improve mental function, alertness and promotion of recovery from stroke.

Women’s health– antispasmodics relax not only the digestive tract but other smooth muscles, such as the uterus, as well, lending some credence to yarrow’s use in treating menstrual cramps. Based on its signatures, yarrow helps in anovulation and infertility in women. It is said that various names, shapes, colors, taste, smell, texture and even the habitats of certain plants are indications of the ailments they will heal. This incidence is known as “signature of plants”. The flowers which are minute, solitary are borne on the leaf axils and appear in a row hanging below the length of the leafy stalk. So in my area we call the herb “ite-kwo-nwanazu” meaning “pot with its children at the back”. Many therefore believe those flowers hanging on the leaf axils represent numerous eggs indicating fertility. Thus, to them yarrow favors child’s birth. Promotion of child birth including the ovulation and regulation of menstruation are subsumed that the plant will work in these areas.

For these, leaves and soft stems are washed and macerated and extract taken, one teacup, 2 times daily.

Men’s health- the powdered plant may be taken as hot infusion or with pap in cases of low libido, low sperm count and impotence in men.

Yarrow tastes tangy and bitter with some astringency. To improve flavor, add honey or lemon or mix it with an herbal beverage blend. Enjoy!


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