Spread over the tomato sauce then sprinkle over the onion and the pepper. Drain the sardines, reserving the oil and arrange the sardines on the pizza.


• Sardine

• Pizza base

• Tomato sauce with herbs

• Red onion, finely chopped

• Pepper, sliced

• Cheese, torn into small pieces

• Black pepper to serve

The method

1. Preheat the oven 200 C/Fan 180 C/gas mark 6.

2. Place the pizza bases on a non-stick baking tray.

3. Spread over the tomato sauce then sprinkle over the onion and the pepper. Drain the sardines, reserving the oil and arrange the sardines on the pizza.

4. Add the cheese, a grind of black pepper and drizzle over 2tbsp of the reserved oil from the sardines.

5. Bake for around 12 minutes until heated through and the cheese has melted.

6. Cut into slices and serve with the rocket.


Amazing health benefits of beans (1)

Beans are seeds from the Fabaceae family, commonly known as the legume, pea, or bean family. They are an affordable source of protein, fibre, and vitamins that offer many health benefits.

They usually grow in pods, which are capsules with several beans inside. These pods or capsules develop from flowers. Other legumes include peas, peanuts, and lentils.

Beans contain amino acids, which are the chemicals that combine to form protein and help build muscle. Protein is an essential nutrient.

Beans are a source of protein, vitamins and fibre.

There are a variety of different beans, and most must be cooked to be safe to eat. Some of the most popular bean varieties include:

Lima beans

Black beans

Black-eyed peas


Kidney beans

Garbanzo beans

Navy beans

Pinto beans

Red beans

Health benefits of beans

Beans offer several health benefits, including:

Related News

• Protein source

Adding beans to grains can turn an incomplete protein into a complete one.

Protein is a vital nutrient that plays a key role in virtually everything the body does. Beans are high in amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

Protein sources can be divided into two different categories: complete and incomplete. Animal products, soy, and quinoa are all complete proteins, which means they contain all nine amino acids.

Out of all the types of beans, only soybeans contain all nine amino acids. Incomplete proteins can be easily combined with nuts, seeds, dairy, or grains at a single meal or over various meals throughout the day to make complete proteins.

For example, a person can eat beans with rice or couscous. Even having black beans at lunch and then almonds or cheese later in the day can ensure people get complete proteins.


11 types of alcohol and how they make you feel


Vodka: Text-people-you-shouldn’t-be- texting drunk

The deep feelings you have for people, good or bad, are all coming out with vodka. You are a piñata, vodka is Barry Bonds with an aluminum bat, and all of your insides will be spewing everywhere at some point. You’ll leave voicemails, send texts, make calls, say things to people’s faces, post stuff to social media, and somehow, in the moment, it’ll feel like such a good idea.

Tequila: File-not-found drunk

You will have little control of your dark, menacing actions and the next morning when your brain tries to locate memories of the previous night, it’ll be as if the files were deleted. The page can’t load; tequila gave you that. Basically you’ll only know what you did the night before if someone tells you.

Wine: most-laidback, relaxed-version-of-yourself drunk

Wine is the only alcohol that allows you to turn up and turn down simultaneously. You can have drunkenly deep, intelligent conversations; you can go to some place with a good vibe and dance, or you can le- gitimately call it a night and go to sleep. Wine drunk offers the soothing comfort of a memory foam pillow in liquid form.

Beer: Your-18-to-21-year-old-self drunk

You know how you can watch a Disney movie and, in many ways, feel like a kid again? That’s kind of what beer is – it’s comfortable, it’s familiar, but it makes shades of your younger, new-to-drinking self come out, which can be fun, but also painfully immature.

Whiskey: Extra-confident drunk

In terms of getting drunk and looking cool doing it, whiskey makes that happen. You don’t chug it, it’s not consumed messily, and Ryan Gos- ling levels of hip are reached when you hold a glass of whiskey. It’s that poised, self-assured drunk.

40 ounces of Malt liquor: I’m-rrying-to-ignore-reality- for-a-few- hours drunk

Drinking a 40 is often a sign that you are on a very tight budget and want to get drunk for about $3. This is for when you need a break from your current real-life situation and a quick, cheap way to reach that drunkenly content place.

Gin: Fun, feisty, but potentially-a-danger-to- yourself drunk

Gin is no joke, and will leave you saying things like, “I’m not drunk, you’re drunk” and “I’m gonna go for it, I think I’ll land on my feet.” You feel like Super Mario after he got an invincibility star, but you’re not quite that indestructible.

Rum: Dance-like-nobody’s-watching- and-this-is-a-club-even- though-it’s-a-busy-street-and- those-aren’t-strobe-lights- they’re- headlights drunk

All alcohol makes you care less, but rum is like the person who has genuinely run out of F-words to give. Like, I-couldn’t-care-less-there’s- no-reasoning-with-me-I’m- going-to-behave-belligerently- so-deal- with-it status.

Moonshine: 0-100 real quick drunk

You will be fine one second, then, very shortly after drinking, you’ll be HAMMERED. You’ll feel yourself soaring above the legal limit as you begin to move less like a sober person and more like a marionette controlled by the jerky-handed puppet master known as moonshine.

Champagne: Life-is-changing-so-I’m- getting-sloppy drunk

Champagne is usually reserved for special occasions, but if you’re hit- ting the bottle hard, it might be to cope with the event you’re attending. A wedding? I’m not married, I’m lonely, time to get hammered. The New Year? I didn’t accomplish anything in the past 365 days, bottoms up! Champagne drunk should be glamorous, but it feels more like a sad epi- sode of a typically lighthearted sitcom

Absinthe: Should-I-do-this?-oh-well,-no- going-back-now drunk

It only takes a little Absinthe to be sucked into a vortex of drunkiness, and when you come out of the other side of the portal you’re in a parallel universe where you’re held hostage by your brain, and whatever things it decides it wants you to hallucinate. This is the old, creaky rollercoaster that you’re not sure you really trust alcohol.

Culled from https://www.distractify.com