From TONY JOHN, Port Harcourt


Five masked gunmen bearing AK 47-rifle have robbed Mr. Ezekiel John of his ash colour Honda Accord car with plate number Abuja ABC 307 AS in Rivers State.

The incident occurred by the side of Diobu Divisional Police headquarters, Afikpo Street, Mile 1 Diobu, Port Harcourt, on Friday evening.

John, who is a pastor with The Apostolic Church, disclosed that the incident happened at about 7:45 pm, when he drove his car to Afikpo Street to pick up his wife and children who went to the market to buy baskets of tomatoes and pepper.

He said that when the gunmen accosted him, they beat him up and escaped with his vehicle, which had already been loaded with the goods purchased.

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The victim said he had reported the matter to the Police, hoping that they (Police) would recover his vehicle soonest.

“At about 7:45 pm, yesterday (Friday), I went to Afikpo market to pick up my children and my wife. Unknown gunmen, with masks suddenly appeared holding five AK-47 rifles. They collected my car I use in doing the work of God. It happened closely to the Assembly of God Church.

“They (referring his wife and children) bought the goods with big money. I have been to Mile I Police Station. They called the Control Room, Moscow Road. I even went there myself to report it officially. And they promised that they will do something about it. They said they will do something by today, Saturday.”


Meanwhile, when Sunday Sun visited the scene of incident, it was discovered that the distance was less than two minutes walk from a Police check-point.


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