Akwa Ibom State Government has extolled the courageous attempt by Hilda Bassey Effiong (Hilda Baci), who is seeking to gain an entry into the Guinness book of World Records through her “Cook-a-thon”.
Hilda Baci’s courageous attempt was praised in a statement released on Sunday by the Akwa Ibom State Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Comrade Ini Ememobong.
According to the statement, “she is on track to achieve this noble dream and this has brought humongous positive mention not just to her and our country, but also to our state, by directly promoting our famed cuisines.”
To underscore how delighted the Akwa Ibom State Government is about Hilda’s effort, the Commissioner mentioned that “His Excellency, the Governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel sends his goodwill and has directed the Honourable Commissioner for Culture and Tourism, Hon. Orman Esin, to immediately visit and personally convey his goodwill and the support of the entire state to the star girl.”
The statement added that “Irrespective of the outcome of this attempt, the Governor is indeed very proud of the Dakkada spirit that has enabled this historic move, which justifies our maxim that, once the passion is right, nothing is impossible.”
Hilda, a 27 year old Akwa Ibom Chef, based in Lagos has been trending in social media and other internet platforms since she commenced cooking various delicacies last Thursday at the Amore Gardens, Lekki, Lagos State, in her bid to break the Guinness World Record, currently held by an Indian Chef, Lata Tandon, who cooked for 87 hours and 45 minutes non-stop in 2019.
To become the new Guinness World Record holder, Hilda is expected to complete her target time frame of 96 hours on Monday, 15th May 2023.

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