From George Onyejiuwa, Owerri


A group, Imo State Joint Parliament, has endorsed the second term bid of Governor Hope Uzodimma saying his first term performance qualifies him for re-election.

Comprising serving, former state and federal legislators in the state, the group appealed to candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party ( PDP) and the Labour Party (LP), Senator Samuel Anyanwu and Senator Athan Achonu, respectively, as members of the group, to jettison their aspirations and support Uzodimma for the November 11 gubernatorial polls given his sterling performance in three and half years.

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Spokesperson for the group, Ezediaro  Henry Uzoma,  at a press conference, yesterday, in Owerri, assured that at the expiration of Uzodimma’s second tenure, the group would back either the PDP or LP candidate.

He said it was the first time both serving and former parliamentarians from the state had come under one umbrella to take a common decision on governance of the state. 

“Without fear of contradiction, Senator Hope Uzodinma has proven that seasoned legislators can make good administrators in the executive arm of government. With abundant verifiable developmental strides of Senator Uzodimma as governor of Imo State, it is safe to say Uzodimma has brought back the lost glory of Imo State as in the days of Dee Sam Mbakwe of the blessed memory. That as the saying goes, one good term deserves another, we unequivocally resolved that due to enormous projects and uncommon administrative capacity displayed by Senator Uzodimma as governor of Imo State, he has the mandate of the entire members of Imo State Joint Parliament to seek re-election for another term of office as Imo State Governor. 

“We  appeal to governorship candidates of other political parties, especially those of the PDP and Labour Party, who are equally former senators of Federal Republic of Nigeria to shelve their ambitions and support their colleague and incumbent governor for another term in office. This plea is predicated on good reasoning for Senators Samuel Anyanwu and Athan Achonu to support their colleague who is presently occupying the seat of power in the state for another term of four years. That with explicit assurance, Imo State Joint Parliament shall throw its weight behind either of the two upon expiration of Senator Hope Uzodimma second term in office by January 2028.”

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