From Tony Osauzo, Benin

A group, Alliance for the Advancement of Auchi Polytechnic, has called for due process to be followed in the appointment of a substantive rector for the institution.

Convener of the group, Oshiobugie Danjuma, in a statement  in Benin, yesterday, said the call became necessary to avoid taking the polytechnic back to the dark days.

Danjuma said the appointment of a rector with the right requisite would place the first generation polytechnic in a pole position for its planned upgrade to a university, adding the issue that caused the dichotomy between polytechnics and universities must also be considered.

“The authority must try to avoid the issues that have brought about the acrimony between polytechnic and university graduates in the appointment of a substantive rector in Auchi polytechnic,” he said.

Danjuma particularly cautioned that subverting the most qualified person for the pectorship position would not augur well for the nation’s foremost polytechnic.

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“We are aware that interview for the appointment of a substantive rector for the polytechnic has been conducted and we are also aware there are Masters degrees and Phd holders that were interviewed for the position.

“Our position is that it will be out of place to appoint a Masters degree holder as substantive rector when you have qualified Phd holders. Doing that will not allow the polytechnic to compete favourably with the universities.

“Again, the case of Auchi Polytechnic should not be any different in the country where all rectors are Phd holders.

“We, however, need to reiterate here that we are for nobody or anybody, we are only out for the right thing to be done for the betterment of the institution that has been recognised and acknowledged as a first generation polytechnic in the country.

“Moreover, the plan upgrading of the polytechnic which bill has received the nod of the National Assembly must not be jeopardised just to satisfy some few persons,” Danjuma said.

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