From Paul Orude Bauchi

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Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi State, has condemned the violence that erupted in Lukshi, Yelwa Tsakani and Kusu communities in Bauchi Local Government Area of the State.
This is even as he disclosed that the death toll in the violence has risen to three.
The governor spoke when he visited the troubled area in company with the Speaker of the State Assembly, Honourable Abubakar Suleiman, the Commissioner of Police, Mr Mamman Sanda, Director of the State Security Service and other top  security heads, on Sunday, where he addressed residents.
He described the violence as unfortunate, one too many in less than two months in the state, saying it vMfis the handwork of outsiders who are envious of the peace enjoyed in the state.
“I was attending the PDP national Congress in Abuja where l lost gallantly when the Commissioner of Police called me. I have also lost here too because l have not been happy as a result of this crisis,” he said
He recalled that just three weeks ago there was curfew in Gudun Hauda which forced the state government to impose a curfew.
He expressed regret that the 24 hour curfew imposed on Yelwa areas in the state capital within the spate of three weeks, adding that the curfew on the three communities would be relaxed of the security situation improved.
He said the state has been known as the most peaceful in the north and since he assumed office he has given the security agencies the necessary support to sustain the peace in the state.
Governor Mohammed called on the police and security other agencies to ensure that the perpetrators of the crisis in Yelwa Tsakani, Lukshi and Kusu were arrested and brought to book.
He expressed confidence that the perpetrators of the distardtly act would be arrested and prosecured saying the hoodlums that caused
He said his administration would not tolerant any act of lawlessnessthe previous crises in the state had been arrested.
The governor promised to build a police station in the area to forestall the killing of innocent people and burning of houses on the area and appealed to residents of the area to live in peace with one another for development to thrive.
While sympathizing with those whose houses were burnt by hoodlums in the crisis, Governor Mohammed assured that their houses and other valuables they may have list would be compensated.
He then directed the State Emergency  Management to take the evaluation of property destroyed with a view to compensating victims.
Earler the Commissioner of Police, Mamman Sanda disclosed that the trouble started when one ma identified as Mohammed Sabo dropped his girlfriend in Lukshi when he was attacked by hoodlums.
He was rescued by the police but reports that spread had it that he might have been attacked as reprisal on attacks on two other young  persons by hoodlums with cutlasses.
The CP warned residents to avoid breaking the law saying any one that is found wanting would not be spared.
He advised the residents to live in peace

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