From Charity Nwakaudu, Abuja

The Federal Government has warned civil servants  to improve on their level of productivity as the present administration would nolonger tolerate indolence.

The permanent secretary of the ministries of solid minerals and steel development, Dr Mary Ogbe gave this warning ,in Abuja, yesterday, at a two day retreat jointly organised by both ministries on sustainable plan for mineral sector Support for Economic Diversification project (MinDiver)  and implementation of modern performance management system.

Dr Ogbe stressed that Nigerians want quality service delivery and President Bola Tinubu had warned that public officials who fail to deliver would be shown the exit door, not only those at the top.

She further added out that performance appraisal is not to be seen as a punitive exercise, but a means to assess performance and chart the way forward towards producing the best deliverable outcomes.

She also said the World Bank-funded Mineral Sector Support for Economic Diversification Project (MINDIVER Project) would be rolled up in a month’s time and that it was important to sustain the interventions it had made in the sector.

“The purpose of this retreat is multi-fold. First, it serves as a platform for us to come together and discuss the MINDIVER project, which is aimed at harnessing the potential of the solid minerals and steel sectors for the benefit of our nation. The MINDIVER project is a cornerstone of our economic development, and it is imperative we develop a sustainable plan that will guide its implementation and ensure its long-term success.

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“Secondly, this retreat allows us the opportunity to focus on the implementation of a modern performance management system in the federal public service. As civil servants, it is our responsibility to ensure that our work is carried out efficiently, effectively, and with utmost accountability.

“The performance management system is an instrument to evaluate and reward performance, motivate our workforce, and identify areas for improvement. It is an integral part of efforts towards building a more productive and results-oriented public service. To achieve this, we are working assiduously to acquire the IT solutions that will aid us in the delivery of the PMS appraiser and assessment.”

The director, planning, research and statistics for the two ministries, Ken Onwumbiko, said that the programme was meant to ensure that staff of the ministries of solid minerals and steel development are sensitised and grilled in modern personal management.

He said: “The essence of the performance management system (PMS) is to ensure that documentation, performance of every staff member is evaluated electronically and by performance. It is not by what people think.

“The head of service has given a mandate that every ministry should be accessing their staff within themselves through modern PMS, no more Annual Performance Appraisal (APA) from 2024.

We are expecting that from this year, next year, in two years, you will see a new service not only for this ministry but for all ministries.

“The days when staff will not come to work and still be paid will soon be over. The days where people will be waiting for promotional exams, where all sorts of things could happen, are over.”

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